Is there a community/site that organises and lists open source projects?
I want to get into working on open source projects but I have found it difficult to find the projects themselves.
I’d preferably like to be able to filter by project type, tech stack, state of development, active users, and active developers.
Is this an open source project in itself?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Why are you trying to get me to download whatever that file is?
You said you wanted a list of open source project, this is a list of open source projects.
It is a downloadable file. How often do you trust strangers that say “Here you go” with no actual context. I’m not trying to be mean, but seriously put yourself in my shoes. Would you download that file?
If you’ve never heard of debian, maybe you need to do a bit more research about the open source world.
Yes, getting into the open source world is basically the point of my whole post isn’t it? And you didn’t answer my question
A wonderful example of gatekeeping. Because I don’t have this particular piece of inside knowledge I get downvotes. This is literally my first step into the world of open source, a community I had come to believe was welcoming.
This is beyond a joke. If there weren’t other people legitimately engaging with my question in good faith, I’d be well and truly put off of working with you people.
@SomethingBlack It’s basic human decency. You ask questions like everyone is working for you.
I asked if anyone knows of a resource. I didn’t demand a response. Are you seriously suggesting that people in the open source community see sharing information as a bad thing? That is honestly baffling 😂