I don’t have a problem with cybernetic augmentation, I mostly would have a problem with the state of technology companies. I likely wouldn’t choose to get any because I would not be able to trust them. However, if I could get any sorta (relatively) basic augmentation, it would be built in headphones. Like to just be able to “hear” music and podcasts and audiobooks. My focus wouldn’t even be upgraded hearing or anything.
So do y’all have any similar quality of life augmentations you would want?
A brain/computer interface. But like you say, depending on the state of tech companies maybe only as an input (I can manipulate computers without allowing them to send a signal of any kind to me).
It’d just be for stuff like mentally dictating note taking, being able to “Google” my thoughts (probably best to send the output to my phone rather than directly into my brain)
A great SciFi book series with this is Old Man’s War. I love the brain pal concept in it.
Oh awesome. I’ve never heard of it, I’ll have to check it out
“Hey asshole!” Love it.
Iove technology, so I was shocked at that part that someone would name their computer like that. But the character is 75 years old, so it makes sense.
I want this plus perfect memory recall, imagine reading or watching something once and being able to remember it forever and bring that memory back whenever you want
This would be mine too. Mainly so I can feel like I’m sending messages telepathically.