It’s legit and hopefully it’ll gain traction. Canada, Australia and NZ have all expressed their interest in developing closer relations. We share common interests and (arguably more importantly these days) we also share common values. Australia is also the backbone of US surveillance of the Southern hemisphere. And Canada’s geostrategic position is significant as well. It would be foolish not to pursue this with the utmost effort.
Why wouldn’t it be legit, just because it is co-funded by the EU? The EU funds thousands of projects in all areas of life. It doesn’t necessarily mean though, that this is an official EU position nor that “the EU” whoever exactly that may be, approves of everything stated on their website.
I was just asking because it could be a few account impersonating the EU
Yup, it’s legit. Source: guy who set it up is my boss.
Oh, very interesting! Would you like to do a AskMeAnything?
I won’t be much use, but I can ask Mike.