Hey y’all. My partner and I recently had an unexpected demolition in the first floor if our house and realized that we can probably leave room to run water lines for a CatGenie litterbox during the rebuild. Have any of you used them, and if so, are they worth it? We’ve had litter robot 3s for a few years and are less than impressed with the build quality, so just thinking about upgrading.
If you do get one, make sure you triple check whichever brand you get to ensure it has the best safety features
Make sure to install a floor drain in case it floods. Put one under your laundry and dishwasher too if you can.
That is a good idea, but our laundry is on the foundation. Not really able to add drains there, but under our dishwasher is a good idea
Having a dishwasher that flooded, I can tell you that a drain would have saved 3500$, and we were insured! I have a litter robot, and I’m constantly resetting it, but it still keeps the room a lot less stinky.
We have 2 litter robot 3s, and one still works if you run it manually. They sell replacement parts, and the one that kinda works has had parts replaced. Just not impressed with the longevity. The litter robot 4 looks more well made, but I am hesitant
I would love to hear others opinions. We’ve been looking into automatic litter boxes as well. I was under the impression they weren’t worth it until helpful Vancouver vet recommended one.
I’m still not sold yet though.
I have a friend with one, and they love it, but I for sure want more opinions. I am not a huge fan of the proprietary cleaning solution, but they don’t find it to be too bad
I don’t think that they need water lines. At least ours doesn’t.
CatGenie is a particular one that flushes and rinses the litter. It requires a cold water line and a drain