Even if there weren’t this overt racism and defunding in US institutions at the moment, China looks like the place to be for applied physics, especially fusion. Three tokamaks in operation right now and another state-of-the-art reactor commissioned and expected to be in operation by 2030 in a country that doesn’t seem to be plagued with the endless delays and skyrocketing budgets that western projects always face.
When the big breakthrough comes, you probably want to be around it.
Exactly, China is now massively investing in advanced tech and science, so there are way more opportunities to do interesting things there.
I’m no nuclear physicist, but I’m heading out with my family. It’s a computer science PhD, a applied mathematician with a PhD in education, and kids on track for engineering, history, computer science, art, and mathematics (we have a whole passel of kids).
My university has spent the last four years trying to hire a second faculty member to compliment my skill set and failed every time. I hope they succeed in the future, but now they’ll need to hire two people to fully cover the classes.
Just going to leave this here: https://sccei.fsi.stanford.edu/china-briefs/reverse-brain-drain-exploring-trends-among-chinese-scientists-us
Brain drain USA let’s goooo
Hardly surprising considering the current funding climate and anti-intellectual sentiment of the current American administration. He will probably get an amazing salary and support to work on his project. Canada and Europe should set up something similar, easy visas and citizenship for American scientists and engineers.
The brain drain has begun.
What a smart long term move, alienating all the smart people into leaving
The brain drain is almost over lmao. The top researchers at the best funded universities are going but theres been innumerable researchers from smaller departments leaving for a while.
The only thing missing is western professors going too but even if the language barrier was a non factor they don’t seem to be in dire need of them.
Smart for the people relying on stupid people to keep them in power
How long before they’re not allowed to leave?
Given the rampant racism in US, I’m expecting they’ll continue to encourage them to leave actually.
If the choice is having them help your “enemy” or subjecting them to personal trauma, which do you think they’ll choose?
I mean this is why scientists are fleeing the US right now.
Are they though? I haven’t seen many stories about it but would entirely expect this to be the case. Especially because many are suddenly unemployed.
it is indeed the case https://archive.ph/a6POR
That covers some Chinese departures over a period prior to trumps policies but there are a lot more nationalities to cover and more recently I would expect the number to increase substantially. Thanks for the info though. I’m sure there’s more movement to come.
I agree, and at the same time I imagine that the US is becoming less attractive to educated people which stems the flow of new talent into the country.
China already has nukes. Come to Canada, man.
Eh, doesn’t look like nukes are his specialty. Canada’s lack of nuclear weapons isn’t due to a lack of technical capability anyways
Fusion, not fission 😅