In a well-intentioned yet dangerous move to fight online fraud, France is on the verge of forcing browsers to create a dystopian technical capability. Article 6 (para II and III) of the SREN Bill would force browser providers to create the means to mandatorily block websites present on a government provided list. Such a move will overturn decades of established content moderation norms and provide a playbook for authoritarian governments that will easily negate the existence of censorship circumvention tools.

While motivated by a legitimate concern, this move to block websites directly within the browser would be disastrous for the open internet and disproportionate to the goals of the legal proposal – fighting fraud. It will also set a worrying precedent and create technical capabilities that other regimes will leverage for far more nefarious purposes. Leveraging existing malware and phishing protection offerings rather than replacing them with government provided, device level block-lists is a far better route to achieve the goals of the legislation.

    1 year ago

    I’ve said it already, and I’m saying it again :

    France politics have 3 paths :

    • Kinda extreme left ; anti vaxxers, anti nuclear, pro islam, pro immigration, anti NATO, anti Europe, pro-russia and pro-dictatorships overall (Mélenchon)

    • Extreme right : anti ecology, deeply pro-rich (anti union), overall neo-fascists as you would except, very much anti Europe, anti NATO, pro-putin and pro-russia. (le Pen)

    • Macron, who is pro-rich, but not pro-putin and kinda Nato-friendly and Europe friendly.

    We need to build back guillotines.

      1 year ago

      Since when is our leftwing anti vax ? What have you been smoking ? And what the hell does pro Islam even mean ?? I’m baffled. This is inaccurate as all hell.

      1 year ago

      C’est tellement n’importe quoi comme généralisation que c’en serait presque drôle si ce n’était pas grave. Dire que ia France Insoumise c’est l’extrême gauche antivax, sérieux, un peu de culture politique ça ferait pas de mal, non ? Vous êtes à deux doigts d’écrire que ce sont des islamo-gauchistes. Et c’est quoi cette description toute gentille du macronisme ? Le macronisme est une nouvelle émanation de l’extrême centre comme on peut le voir depuis des années. Anti-syndicat, anti-peuple, neo-libéral etc.

      Au moins vous avez bien décrit l’extrême droite, félicitations, 1 sur 3 c’est pas mal.

      Edit: English version

      It’s such an absurd generalization that it would be almost funny if it wasn’t serious. To say that France Insoumise is the extreme left antivax, seriously, a little political culture would not hurt, right? You’re about to write that they are Islamo-leftists. And what is this nice description of Macronism? Macronism is the new emanation of the extreme center as we can see for years. Anti-syndicate, anti-people, neo-liberal etc.

      At least you described the far right well, congratulations, 1 out of 3 is not bad.