So we’re at 8 users per month and 2 total posts. I’ve joined other introvert communities with less committed introverts.

I’m kind of joking, but also kind of just sincerely think it’s pretty great. And I feel like the 7 of you will understand and appreciate that.

I’ve grown fond of not talking with all of you daily. I’ll go back to leaving you all alone now.

    1 year ago

    I’ll use this post (hope you don’t mind) to tell a funny story.

    I was part of a Meetup group for introverts in an area I used to live in. I kept telling myself I would show up to one of their get togethers. But noticed it seemed like everyone that did already knew each other very well. Which of course made me feel uncomfortable so I never went.

    Then Meetup contacted the whole group to say the leader that started the group had stepped down since they didn’t have the time to organize it any longer. So they needed one of us to step up and organize the group going forward or they would be forced to close the group down.

    So of course no one in a group of introverts stepped up and it was closed down. Always makes me chuckle a little looking back.