I’m here from r/GardeningAustralia on reddit. Would anyone be interested in a Gardening Australia community under aussie.zone on Lemmy? Mods over on reddit didn’t give me an answer. I’d just like to have a bolthole to come to in case reddit falls over. I went to the Discourse server during the blackout but I intensely dislike just hanging around in Discourse.
Pic is of B2 in my garden. I have 2 bottlebrushes, B1 & B2. B1 grows tall and rarely flowers. B2 is a showoff removed, smaller but with heaps more plumage.
I’m here from r/GardeningAustralia on reddit. Would anyone be interested in a Gardening Australia community under aussie.zone on Lemmy? Mods over on reddit didn’t give me an answer. I’d just like to have a bolthole to come to in case reddit falls over. I went to the Discourse server during the blackout but I intensely dislike just hanging around in Discourse.
Pic is of B2 in my garden. I have 2 bottlebrushes, B1 & B2. B1 grows tall and rarely flowers. B2 is a showoff removed, smaller but with heaps more plumage.
Let me know about the Gardening Australia idea.
Nice idea, I’ve gone ahead and created /c/GardeningAustralia and borrowed your bottlebrush for the banner picture 🙂
Feel free to move in.
I mentioned it on r/GA but didn’t get a response, happy to have one here!
I’m not into gardening myself but know plenty of people who are. I’ll gladly point them your way if you set it up
It’s up and running.
Please do so. It’s my favourite community on reddit.