This is a genuine question, as every time I have an argument about this with someone they bring a point so utterly stupid that it leaves me stumped…

    1 year ago

    If you care about the people you’re talking to, belittling their entire viewpoint dismissively without countering their arguments. Is not going to win them over. In fact it might hurt their relationship with you.

    If you have the time and inclination, take the argument they have that you have an issue with, and break it down to its fundamental points. It’s a good exercise for both of you. Work through what things mean at a fundamental level to both of you and find what the core disagreement is. Is it philosophical, is it structural, is it traditional, there’s many facets of an argument that people can latch on to. Having them explain why to you and then why the why etc can be helpful for both you and them to come to if not a common understanding but a mutual respect for positions.

    But this is time intensive, and if we’re just talking about randos on the internet it’s not worth your time.