Context is this post about a female former employee at Linus Media Group (Linus Tech Tips) who quit because of harassment and abuse

    1 year ago

    "You damn representatives of the queer community better watch your damn language, or else!! 😡😡

    Also, how dare you generalise men by using a common turn of phrase which accurately represents the work culture where men disproportionately outnumber women and non-binary folks in the upper echelons of management and those minority groups are actively and passively prevented from participating in myriad ways.

    You, as a representative of the queer community, need to stop all this generalising when expressing your personal opinions because it reflects poorly on the entire queer community. You need to take some responsibility, like I do when I’m offended by someone’s opinions - I don’t go blaming an entire community for my hurt feelings by lowering my opinion of them and losing respect for them as a group simply because one person expressed their opinions.

    Also we are all supposed to be equal beings worthy of respect and our feelings are valid. (Except when your feelings on a subject hurt my feelings. Then I will deploy my feelings as an attempt to guilt you into shutting up at the risk of my majority status ‘losing respect’ for the minority group which you’re a member of.)

    Anyway, I’m not a direct beneficiary of this privilege therefore the fact that management cliques that are constituted by majority-cis men and are rampant across the workforce do not exist.

    P.S. ‘boys’ only refers to cisgender people."

    Gee, what a nice feller!