This is more of a 2 part question. Should child porn that does not include a real child be illegal? If so, who is being harmed by it?

The other question is; does giving a pedophile access to “imitation” children give them an outlet for their desire, so they won’t try to engage with real children, or does it just reinforce their desire, thus helping them to rationalize their behavior and lead to them being more encouraged to harm real children?

I’ve heard psychologists discuss both sides, but I don’t think we have any real life studies to go off of because the technology is so new.

I’m just curious what the other thought out there are from people who are more liberty minded.

    1 year ago

    You’re asking me to solve a problem definitely well above my AND your paygrade and you know it. I can provide a few solutions, but they will be neither easy, nor to everyone’s liking. There’s also problem of the diversity of the world - what works for one US’ state, won’t for their neighbor. What may be accepted by one European country, won’t be by their neighbors.

    I see no merit in such a discussion, it’s a waste of time.

    The question as stated in OP is, in contrast, very straightforward and I’m happy to provide my opinion. Which I did, and am glad to defend.