• DadeMurphy@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Coming from a Pixel, I can confirm this. Google really needs to stick to software. When they dabble in both, neither is a pleasant experience.

    That being said, you can go round and round about why people switch or which is better. Being from Gen X, I appreciate and respect the technology. I am also not rich or have parents to buy me a new device every few years when Android devices lose support. I try to get the most for my money, and no I am not talking about features, that’s subjective anyways. I’m talking about actual value for the money you spend, and iPhone wins that category in spades.

    There is no device that offers longer support. No to mention, their customer support is phenomenal.

    There is no other device that retains value as well. Mainly because they don’t have to give out free sh!t or put their devices on sale, to get you to buy one.

    And other than Samsung, no other device has B&M stores you can visit.

    Those aren’t subjective either, they’re facts.

    That being said, those 3 things far outweigh any perceived benefits of owning an Android device.

    Also, if Android was that great, you wouldn’t need communities creating custom software to make them run the way they should have, right out of the box.