Trump is 100% going to blame this loser when he fucks the election up, and the following insurrection attempt.
Trump is 100% going to blame this loser when he fucks the election up, and the following insurrection attempt.
Next you’ll be telling me the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is truthful in only one of those words.
It’s quite common for political parties to include things in their name that they’re not the slightest bit interested in.
The Libertarian Party is, as far as I can tell, a bunch of conservatives who want to pay even less tax.
COVID also inflated a lot of tech stock massively, as everybody suddenly had to rely a lot more on it to get anything done, and the only thing you could do for entertainment was gaming, streaming movies, or industrial quantities of drugs.
Then that ended, and they all wanted to hold onto that “value”.
It is a bubble, but whether it pops massively like in 2000, or just evens off to the point where everything else catches up, remains to be seen.
“The markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent” are wise words for anyone thinking of shorting this kind of thing.
Damn, those Taylor Swift fans got real mad real fast.
Oh it’s made plenty for Nvidia.
It’s so nice to get a rerun of the Nazis for those that missed it the first time round.
No, they share the blame proportionally depending on who was going the fastest.
I find it hilarious that anybody would go on stage and endorse political candidate who has never met them.
Might as well have just said “I’m hoping to sell my music to racists and establish myself as ‘one of the good ones’”.
That’s some fancy words to avoid saying “racist”.
That’s why we use Radar, etc, so we don’t have to use those sites.
If you do visit them, make sure you’re ad-blockered up the wazoo.
Just lob it in the bin.
I only stuck with Odyssey for the legendary monster fights.
The problem with these games is you see 95% of the gameplay in the first couple of hours.
And then there’s 100 more of them.
I really like Black Flag because it had the least amount of Assassins Creed gameplay in it.
That option was a lifesaver. I don’t know why the game decides halfway through to have hard combat because that’s not the appeal of the game at all.
It was made for British TV in the late 80s maybe.
It wasn’t going to be done on 35mm with movie making kit. What you see there is probably the best it’s going to be.
Since it underpins Android, you could argue it’s the most successful OS in general.
Just think. There’s a parallel universe somewhere, where six years ago he just congratulated that diver for rescuing those kids, accepted that his robot needed some work to be useful, and just expressed relief that they’d been bought out alive.
And we’re stuck in this fucking one.
Will they collect data on you to profile you and your activities and use that in the future? Yes.
And that’s why the only thing I use my VPN for is piracy. Don’t really have a good reason to push anything else through it.
In fairness I doubt the NSA give a single solitary fuck about piracy and aren’t about to give themselves up over a telesync rip of Beetlejuice 2.
But probably best to plan 9/11 part 2 over something a bit more secure.
The price gives it away
Trump is a problem for the GOP. He has them over a barrel.
They can’t get rid of him because they’ll lose the crazy vote, and for sure, the crazy vote is about the only thing keeping them in the game right now.
And he gets to order them all about. And the GOP are a bunch of rich white me, and rich white men do not like that kind of thing. They like being the ones ordering people about. It’s the natural order of things god damn it.
Their only real way of getting rid is either an assassination, or at least looking the other way when somebody else tries it. That way they get to keep the crazy vote. “Do it for Him” they’ll cry. And they will. Either that or wait for the inevitable cardiac arrest to take him. But a man who dies on the toilet is going to get a lot less sympathy than if he’s shot by an Obama loving abortionist.