• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’m not sure why you keep referring to that dumb argument. There is two distinct book, I know that, but the second book is called the secret annex and is rewritten and more tame.

    Otherwise, diary of a young girl is referred to as Anne Frank’s diary and all the other similar name. So shut the fuck up with your propaganda.

    Neither book should be banned and for a right winger, you seem to be more about big government than personal responsibility that your ilk like to spout.

    There is nothing offensive in the book and parents can decide for their child without being a bunch of christo-fascists cunts trying to ban anything they don’t like.

    Walk the talk for once in your life and stop being an hypocrite. If you don’t mind toddlers shooting people and the mass shootings but you get your feelings hurt by a young girl describing what she is going through at puberty, there is no mental gymnastics that can justify that.

    So go live in the wood with all your troglodytes so that you can live your christo-fascist life like you want. You can bring your bible with you, we don’t need it.

  • The article states first that a Texas district banned Anne Frank’s diary. Don’t play dumb.

    Every fucking other countries don’t have mass shootings pretty much everyday. Only in the US. In Australia, when they banned gun ownership after a mass shooting in 1996, the shootings dropped drastically.

    The school shootings are a multi-faceted problem which requires many changes, one of which is the gun culture.

    There is a toddler every two weeks that shoot someone in the USA, how are guns not the problem?

    You know where this doesn’t happen? Everywhere else in the world.

    Ban guns for pretty much anything that is not hunting. Fund social services to provide quality mental health treatments to anyone that needs it. That should get you started in the right direction.