• 128 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • It was actually to do with docker rather than postgres itself. Docker limits shared memory to 64MB, and postgres died when it couldn’t allocate more. I saw this in the test server as well, but I didn’t want to assume so I waited to see it in production before applying the fix.

    The error was something about failed to allocate disk space, the solution was to add shm_size: 1GB to the docker compose section for lemmy’s postgres.

  • Dave@lemmy.nztoScience Memes@mander.xyzPlugs
    2 days ago

    This says there are fat naked mole rats, but it says their role is to connect to other naked mole rats communities by digging when the ground is soft from rain. That’s quite different from the claim that their role is to block the tunnels to stop them flooding.

  • Dave@lemmy.nztoScience Memes@mander.xyzPlugs
    2 days ago

    Not OP, I couldn’t find a paper. Just this site that makes the same claim almost word for word, and cites a youtube video of a lecture at Stanford. I didn’t watch the video, but this seems best described as a “plausible” explanation rather than a proven fact.

  • It’s good to hear you are aware of it and in contact with Nothing4You.

    It unfortunately doesn’t have an obvious solution, and seems there’s no consensus yet. See the github issue. So I wouldn’t hold my breath on getting an update to fix it any time soon. Also LW are always careful about updates, often taking months to upgrade. They should be especially careful when it’s an upgrade to change how federation works.

    The work to install the batcher isn’t that bad. The software is all there, you just add a container to your Lemmy stack and then run an ansible playbook to set up the remote VPS automatically. It was the first time I’d used ansible properly and it wasn’t too hard.

    Nothing4You can hold your hand through it, it’s worth doing!

  • Thanks! I did pictrs some time back when I was setting up the cache cleaner that needed pictrs 0.5. And then in anticipation of this update I did the postgres 16 update a week or two back.

    I know the instructions say you have to dump and import the database, but postgres supports an in-place upgrade. I used this helper container: https://github.com/pgautoupgrade/docker-pgautoupgrade

    Basically you swap the postgres image to this one and set the tag to the version you want, then recreate the container, watch the logs until it’s done, shut it down, and swap the tags to the new postgres image and recreate the container again. It handles the magic and it happens really quickly.

    Hey on another note, do you know your federation with Lemmy.world is super far behind and you’re losing content because Lemmy stops trying when activities are over a week old? We had the same issue a while back but managed to solve it with a Finland VPS that batches the activities to send them. I’m happy to point you to someone who can help if you’re interested!

  • Oh I didn’t thing about access points. With something like ZigBee, the switches add to the network range. But for WiFi, each switch will need to be in range of an access point. We have pretty decent coverage but the benefit of using ZigBee is other devices can take advantage of the extended network.

    Others have talked about Zwave, I’m not sure which camp they sit in.