Get it straight–he looks more like Dollar Store Butthead.
Get it straight–he looks more like Dollar Store Butthead.
WTF I thought my one order every one to one and a half weeks due to my sheer laziness was getting excessive.
As for Prime getting commercials, it’s a good thing Prime somehow manages to have barely any content worth watching where they could possibly insert commercials for me. I’m assuming this will not apply to movies you pay to rent.
Just remember: As a Changeling, Odo has nipples according to the episode “A Simple Investigation” which I rewatched yesterday. You’re welcome.
Zips up
I think I preferred Jean-Luc Rockhard in Jumanji over this horror show.
You know you’ve been watching too much DS9 when the first thing you see is that his phaser is on the wrong side.
Making the font size adjustable requires hundreds of millions of dollars of investment! /s
I’m not surprised at the statistics. Redditors using third party apps were probably more likely to be hardcore users and contributors and not just consumers/lurkers. Taking away those apps without a suitable replacement was a totally braindead move, especially when your official app is inferior to almost every single third party app out there.
Upvoted for the Garak and Bashir interaction.
I had that damn song stuck in my head for two full weeks after the movie came out. I seriously thought I was finally going insane in my old age.
It’s not even in the top 10 of worst Trek episodes IMO.
Jenna Lucille Picard looks… mischievous.
My primary gaming is on Xbox and I still can’t tell the hamburger and copy button icons apart without looking at them when a game refers to them in a tutorial or menu.
Garak is arguably my favorite character in all of Trek, especially after reading “A Stitch in Time” which fleshes out his background considerably.
I don’t think this is much of a spoiler but >!Garak basically becomes a regular without Andrew J. Robinson’s name appearing in the opening credits. I don’t have exact numbers but it feels like he appears in later seasons as much as Jake does!<.
Is this screencap photoshopped or actually in an episode? I don’t recall ever seeing this despite watching TNG more times than I care to admit.
I can safely say that unless their design philosophy changes significantly I will never 100% an Ubisoft cookie cutter open world game because nothing they’ve produced is worth a hundred hours of boring repetitive gameplay.
I downloaded that movie on a whim for a long flight to Australia and it was surprisingly solid. I didn’t know the source material and assumed it was a original concept. Annapurna’s games are usually top tier so hopefully their movies will be as well.
Man, Odo and Kira do some downright kinky shit behind closed doors.
Good points. I haven’t rewatched Voyager since the finale aired so I may have been conflating the two Janeways. I’m just going to ignore the obvious time travel issues this raises because they make zero sense.
If we consider Sisko’s personal vendetta a bad thing that makes us question his authority to lead, I don’t understand how we excuse Janeway and the time travel stuff she pulled to get Voyager home–her actions had exponentially more butterfly effect consequences than Sisko could ever dream of.
This, this right here is why we need strict AI regulations.
I’m in the middle of my DS9 rewatch and totally forgot about the stark difference between Sisko hair and Sisko bald. I just watched the Homefront/Paradise Lost episodes and the episode where Eddington defects to the Maquis and watching Sisko go all badass and lose his shit was fantastic.
Anyone who says Sea of Stars is in the same echelon as “classic” JRPGs clearly didn’t play all the way through SoS or has not played many classic JRPGs. SoS was an okay game for what it was but I honestly don’t remember much about it a couple of months after finishing it, whereas games like Lunar and Persona will always be cherished gaming memories for me.