The waste doesn’t pose any danger as long as it’s stored securely and doesn’t cost that much space. The only downside of the waste is that it needs to be stored forever, but that’s a very, very, small price to pay for not destroying the planet…
The waste doesn’t pose any danger as long as it’s stored securely and doesn’t cost that much space. The only downside of the waste is that it needs to be stored forever, but that’s a very, very, small price to pay for not destroying the planet…
Or the free spirit was actually you yourself but from three months ago
People must be free to spread the truth, but only the truth I like.
ngl my programming career helped me stay grounded in reality. Every impossible issue turned out to always have a cause, a reason to be there. Could have taken weeks to track down the issue, but there was always a cause.
But still… every 3 or so years… something actually impossible pops-up. Impossible to fix, impossible to reproduce, and suddenly gone from existence, as if it was never there.
If someone has a Nvidia GPU, hopefully by that time Nvidia will actually support Wayland properly. And more work will have pushed to all the big distro’s for HDR and fractional scaling support. So it might be beneficial to wait those couple of years
I always thought it stood for iterator
Relevant NRC artikel van oktober:
De Tweede kamer wil het hoofdrailnet vanaf 2025 opnieuw toekennen aan de NS, zonder dat mogelijke concurrenten hier een bod op mogen doen. Er is nu een bodemprocedure gaande omdat dit niet helemaal de bedoeling blijkt te zijn.
Stiekem hoop ik dat de NS vanaf 2025 hierdoor zijn bestaansrecht verliest, helemaal door dit nieuws. De trein moet veel toegankelijker worden imo, ook voor mensen met minder inkomen. Of een andere partij dit wel kan bewerkstelligen, weet ik niet, maar de NS gaat hier in ieder geval niet voor zorgen.
Found the Frenchman