• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I would definitely buy that. I usually keep my game volumes on low and click through the dialogue because I already read the subtitle, why wait around to finish having the line delivered verbally? (Interestingly enough I’ve never ever thought “hurry up, speak faster” in an in real life conversation, this impatience only exists in video games.) Because of the value of voice acting, but for me personally voice acting is just not a priority.

  • Honestly, the breaking point is the mild inconvenience I experienced today where I hit the video upload limit. I’ve got 9 videos I shot today that I need to upload, it only let me do 7. I could have gotten around this by filming everything as one or two continuous videos instead of 9 separate ones. I didn’t because I’ve never run into the limit before and was unaware it existed until today. I wanted to have them all up to share with my friends today (they do have a playlist link that the videos go into, but I wanted them all available today), but I have to wait for 24 hours 😒

  • To say “this seems out of line. Could it be what I think it is, or am I assuming?” By process of elimination, a person either chooses to do that, or chooses to be assumptive.

    I’m assuming you’re human right now, even though the possibility exists that you are an alien who hasn’t revealed themselves as such and that your alien self prioritizes engaging here instead of talking to the world’s governments. I’m choosing to be assumptive because I don’t care to track you down and try to match your identity to a human person in real life, because I find doing that distasteful even if I never end up exposing your identity to anyone else in the world, and because I am extremely confident that this assumption is correct. But it is still an unproven assumption.

    Should I hold the possibility that on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog or alien or something in my head because it’s an assumption? Probably not. I should probably assume you are human. People will make assumptions they believe to be reasonable, and people will also call out what they believe to be bad behavior even if they’re wrong.

  • I would really appreciate if we stopped doing the “if you disagree with my opinion you’re an [insult] and also must be out of touch with reality so I will say you need to go outside” thing. It’s really exhausting. This is Beehaw, the be(e) nice server and I’m kind of getting sick of seeing this kind of snark on a server where the expectation is people being nice to each other.

    I was skeptical at “normies” but the overall tone of the post is inclusive, so I’m not the target of your rant because I figured it out. I was able to figure it out because I’m terminally online and have the experience with online posts to know that some people use it as a pejorative and some people use it as a self-deprecating catch-all for people who aren’t too into their hobby.

    I also have autism and some people with the condition aren’t as good as me at putting together the connotations of words AND the overall post to figure out the poster’s intentions. And some people aren’t terminally online and have less exposure to seeing this word used. They’ve likely overwhelmingly seen it used as a pejorative, and end up very skeptical of this post. I don’t like the idea that people like me, or that people who might have reasonably arrived at a different conclusion about this, are being told that they’re huge dorks who need to go outside.

    Really starting to feel like Beehaw is just like any other online space. I see the same amount of snark and negative assumptions of people who didn’t see something the commenter’s/poster’s way. Sure, it’s free of bigotry, but all the spaces I occupied were already bigotry-free. Even back when I was on Reddit, because in the small subreddits I looked at the few bigots were downvoted to hell and had their comments hidden. (I’m aware that not everyone was lucky enough to only be interested in topics that had easily accessible bigotry-free areas so Beehaw still serves a useful purpose for them.)

  • For some people, talking about this is fun. Let them have it. For some people who are interested in this it’s not annoying at all.

    I don’t click on articles I don’t care about and find pointless. I let the people who care about [insert interest I find boring here] talk about it without telling them they’re showcasing the most annoying parts of autistic people, or conversely showcasing the worst shallow impulses of humanity instead of caring about something really important. People are allowed to have interests that aren’t historymaking and activism, and interests that many others do not share.

    I have autism and admittedly feel kind of on the defense because of your comment. I don’t go around talking about the most annoying aspects of neurotypicals or any other demographic, I thought that was kind of a jerkish and (sometimes low-key) discriminatory thing to do. Also, one social rule I learned is to live and let live and I tend not to handle the whole “it’s basically nothing, can’t believe someone cares about this” kind of comment well. Kind of disappointed your comment has this many upvotes.

  • It’s another example of the effect of meeting people from X demographic making you more tolerant of X demographic. It’s good to have lots of real and concrete examples of known effects to prove that the effect is indeed real and still applies in the modern day. “Look, it’s not just a hypothesis, here is it actually happening! Several examples so you know it’s not a fluke! Something recent so you know a culture shift or whatever hasn’t neutered it!”

    I learned about this effect through reading stuff on the internet when I was young. It might be some other 10-year-old onlooker’s first intro to it.

  • I don’t know. I’m terrified of death but if I knew I would die tomorrow I would definitely NOT be thinking “I regret not trying more things.” I would do more of the same thing I’ve always loved to get as much known happiness before I die. Some people are just not wired that way. I don’t want anyone to feel pushed into trying new things or like they have to just because it’s what everyone else advocates for. As long as you’re able to tolerate those different from you, no problem. “Be open-minded” is really only required insofar as being tolerant, as realizing people who have different perspectives from you may still be good people. You need not be adventurous and into traveling and learning about different cultures and eating that new trendy food to be a decent human being. I’m happy where I am and not making anyone miserable, and I will defend my right to stay in my bubble so long as I don’t start becoming intolerant and mean.

    The fact I’m autistic may factor into my perspective. But I don’t think it changes my point at all. My life, my choices, and while I get you’re probably well-intentioned and just want to improve my quality of life, because of my own personal history with this kind of perspective and being told similar things it feels somewhat pushy. There’s a decent chance it is not pushy in reality and it’s only my perception coloring things, especially since you did mention not trying to force anyone into things. If I want to try something new it will come from me choosing it, not about how I need to get out of my bubble or I specifically need to try it or I need to be more open-minded or most relevantly to this conversation, how I’ll regret not trying more things (implicitly, how I’ll regret being the person I am—someone who prefers to stay in their comfort zone).