Star Wars Enjoyer

One of Lemmygrad’s original admins


He/Him Firearms Engineer

May the sea bless you, and may Marxism-Leninism guide you.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2019

  • The simplest explanation is that the American “left” is rightwing, because they’ve been told that actual leftism is bad.

    We’re only told about leftist ideology or politics in the context of “these bad people in the past did bad things”, and many Americans refuse to actually tackle those lies. because of this, no one in the American “left” is willing to be anti-capitalist in any way that actually matters. Nor are they willing to use materialism in their dialectics, because their political education comes from Liberalism, so they’re more willing to listen to right-wing talking points and integrate them into their views.

    This is why you’ll see Americans who’ll call themselves “leftists” pair a statement for working rights with a statement against immigration. Or you’ll see them decry the horrors of fascism, then support whatever new war NATO has wrought.

  • Anarchists will really try to rip us apart for being “authoritarian”, but when you ask them how their system would deal with crimes, upholding socialism, or maintaining any semblance of order, their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours.

    Genuinely had an Anarchist call me an “evil person” and a “future baby killer” for saying that I’m ML. Then when I asked them about their proposed methods for preventing counter-revolution, they described a system where anyone can murder anyone else if the victim was suspected of wanting to act against the revolution. No trial, no investigation, just the word of the murderer.

    Edit to add another thought to; “their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours.”

    If it’s not more extreme, it’s lax to the point of being nothing. So the poles are either a system of total chaos, or substanceless idealism.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer @lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlOh shit...
    9 months ago

    Ukraine has been leading a genocide of ethnic Russians in the Donbas for years, and they’ve been getting far too friendly with NATO.

    The war is happening because Ukraine couldn’t keep to treaties, and took a hard turn towards ethno-nationalism.

    The war isn’t happening because Russia invaded, it’s happening because NATO & Ukraine forced the issue.

  • I’m extra frustrated about this because liberals will make excuses for why the war on terror has taken my entire conscience life, while throwing shit at Russia for taking nearly 2 years in their war in Ukraine.

    One’s based, and awesome, and dope because skin-colour-meter. The other is terrible, and evil, and bogus because Russia.

    Liberal tomfoolery knows no bounds.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer @lemmygrad.mltoGenZedong@lemmygrad.mlOh shit...
    10 months ago

    “as war drags”

    My brother in Christ, wars can take years. Especially in the former USSR states, because land conditions make advances difficult during the thaw months.

    Also, the whole war would’ve been ended months ago by treaty if NATO hadn’t stepped in and disrupted that. As far as it is evident, Russia doesn’t want this to become more deadly than it needs to be. It’s NATO who’s making the war “drag on”

    God I hate MSM

  • oh boy, it’s almost as though people who immigrated out of their socialist country into the far-right United States had a political motive for the move, and therefore aren’t the authorities on the conditions of the country they left.

    When an anti-com says “yeah but Cuban immigrants” I really wish I could simply take them to Cuba so they could talk to actual Cubans.

    I forget the statistic, but a majority of Chinese citizens are happy with their government. That’s real Chinese citizens, living in China, right now. But, sure, listen to the guy who’s the grandson of someone who fled the country before Socialism could start to be built. They’re clearly the person to be listening to. Like, their fuckin’ grandfather was probably part of the reason the revolution needed to happen.

    Really the whole “yeah but my friend is [Cuban/Chinese/Ex-SR nationality/etc.] so they’re right” argument strikes me in much the same way the “I have a black friend so I’m not racist” argument does.

  • Liberals love to boil war down to its abstracts.

    War is, to them, inherently bad because of the destruction and death it causes.

    They think that all you need is empathy to end conflicts, that all political issues in the world can be solved by love and understanding.

    They don’t care what the justifications for a conflict are, nor do they care what the goals of the conflict are. All wars are evil, all fighting is evil. The liberal is good, those who wage war are evil.

    They don’t care about genocide, they don’t care about aggression, and they especially don’t care about international treaties. They only care about empathy.

    If you put a VR headset on someone who’s waging a war to defeat Nazism and prevent genocide they’re not going to walk away with something new. They already have empathy, they already feel for the civilians who’ve been caught in the crossfire. Their goals are more important than the suffering the war will cause, and as someone who makes hard choices, they’ve already come to terms with that.

    Defeating Nazis is far more important than the rough time the war will cause for a young woman in Kyiv. And if that young woman is herself a Nazi, then her rough time doesn’t matter in the slightest.

    Maybe liberals should put on the headset and see what Russians living in Eastern Ukraine & Crimea have been going through under the Ukrainian government, show them what the Nazis have been doing in the Donbas. Maybe then they’d understand that empathy for Ukraine equates to sympathy for Fascism, if that empathy pushes them to oppose Russia’s war.