• 127 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Have we ever thought they were a solution and not just a stopgap?

    Until proper alternatives are fully operational, EVs are not the worst thing.

    You’re undercutting your own argument here.

    EVs make sense in rural contexts, but that is and will always be a niche application. We can’t afford to ignore the bigger picture - most people live in cities. There are more efficient and better options to decarbonize cities than electric cars.

    As the other commenter pointed out, electric cars are a step. A lot of people living in cities are ready to go farther now though. Let’s not ignore them or get in their way.

  • Getting rid of the efficiencies defence is a good start.

    The article also hints at a deeper problem of land use. Zoning is limiting the space where new competitors can establish themselves. The established conglomerates buy up what little land is available.

    Provincial governments need to tax ground rents so the revenue gets used to foster competition, not lining billionaires’ pockets.

    Municipalities need to open up the suburbs to become denser mixed use spaces, where small businesses can develop and thrive.

  • NIMBYS will be the downfall of this country. We don’t need more feasibility studies, we need bold action, ambition, and an inclusive permissive environment.

    Canada, like many other places, has tried to balance minority rights with democracy but lately it seems like we’re doing a bad job of it and subsequently failing to address people’s basic needs. Strong mayor powers were supposed to address this but the Bonnie Crombie is missing in action.

    This outcome could have been avoided if she had voted to break the tie. It shows how unserious she is about addressing the housing crisis and how terrible she’d be as OLP leader, and maybe premier.

  • Not as much as they hope it will.

    Electric or not, we need less cars in cities, not more. Rather than making the next generation of mildly more sustainable but just as dangerous and space inefficient road congestants, we should be thinking harder about how best to meet people’s mobility needs in more safe, sustainable, and effective ways.

    People need options not more car dependency.

    Those resources are better used to build up public transportation, (e-)bike shares, sidewalks, and the accompanying infrastructure to go with it all, with seamless handoffs between modes.

    Electric cars are here to save the auto industry, not the planet.