With 3 years to prepare and plenty of time to further undermine the US, UK and EU from the inside, he might agree to it. The most important part of NATO is already working for him, threatening allies, influencing elections, spreading misinformation.
With 3 years to prepare and plenty of time to further undermine the US, UK and EU from the inside, he might agree to it. The most important part of NATO is already working for him, threatening allies, influencing elections, spreading misinformation.
Sometimes I wish the US were what tankies say it is.
Could already have had two terms of Bernie (or Gore too), but humans, eh.
Is there a historical precedent for punishing the defender for daring to successfully resist invasion by a third country?
Still, can China be a “better” block than the US? They’re trying to emulate the US without the rule of law, democracy and alliances…if the US ends up without rule of law, democracy or alliances…how does China become the better option? They just become equally shitty.
Daddy issues on a society-wide scale, ffs.
He can run for the primary, like everyone else…
Is he dead?
Even worse, look at this bullshit: https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-844166
Israel is lobbying the United States to keep Syria weak and decentralized, including by letting Russia keep its military bases there to counter Turkey’s growing influence in the country, four sources familiar with the efforts said.
I’ve seen some analysts claim that just this one time Zelensky needed to be more of an actor and smile and wave through the bullshit. But I disagree, if you stand for nothing, you will keep getting walked over, if not by putin, by trump, like little Marco here.
But he doesn’t even understand how that works, he thought it was protection money. “Ya gotta pay your bills”
Who’s gonna be representing murica there? Is it gonna be this happy threesome?
This has been debunked. The Donbas “rebellion” would have fizzled out without military support from the Kremlin (Igor Girkin himself admitted to this), Boris Nemtsov was assassinated for publishing a report on putin’s proxy war in the Donbas. But after an surprise invasion and 3 years of debating with people like you, if you can’t get the facts right, there is no point in debating anymore.
There is something I’ve been meaning to ask someone who lived it: was watching Yeltsin on TV as bad as watching trump? Was it the same brand of buffooning chaos and mindless dismantlement of institutions?
trump is a good punishment for power-hungry politician types, too bad that it is at everyone else’s expense.
The respect comment took me back to his donut debacle. The couchfucker is a charisma void.
If that’s how you see it, it’s been in this trajectory since 1993, 2004, 2007, 2014, 2022. Russia would always come back to reclaim Ukraine, like they did Georgia, what do you suggest they should have done? What should Canada do if trump tries to annex it, rollover?
Nixon was a flower girl next to these thugs.
What scenario doesn’t Ukraine get stripped for parts by some “empire” in your worldview? Because you obviously think that russia’s invasion was the west’s decision too. And Ukraine’s decision not to roll over is also US imperialism or whatever.
Does China have allies? Like, formally?