Mathematics student who upon completion of his degree was ripped from the university’s caring bosom and cast into the ghastly cold world of employment

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2021


  • The question is a bit misleading, since it is not about relative acceleration but relative velocity. The relative velocity of the 4-year-old man is key to determine his momentum, and hence the kinetic energy of his impact upon the bullet.

    With that out of the way, we first note that adulthood starts at 18, which must be due to a significant time dilation in the reference frame of the man. We have the formula for the time dilation t’ = γt, with the Lorentzian gamma factor γ = 1/sqrt(1 - v²/c²), thus 1/γ² = 1 - v²/c², and we get v = sqrt(1 - 1/γ²)c for the velocity. If the man is four years old in one reference frame and 18 in another, then γ = 18/4 = 4.5, and after plugging in the value, it follows that v = 0.975c. Therefore, the man had an incredible speed of about 292500 m/s when he and the bullet mutually obliterated one another.

  • Even if you ignore the unplastered brick wall with the trident hastily slapped on, the uncomfortably tiny glass table without a cloth, the main course being served on a saucer, and the fact that they brought the emissary of their most powerful ally water in plastic bottles and then just left it there, it really speaks to the post-Soviet rebirth of Ukraine’s cultural identity that senior diplomats on state visits are served Italian food

  • It isn’t even bizarre if you consider that every foreign notion that enters the general vicinity of the US is immediately ripped apart and absorbed by a churning maelstrom of confusion and misinformation explicitly designed to prevent the formation of anything resembling coherent political thought. If you want bizarre, look at a Qanon map

  • It’s a plush toy that can be turned inside out, which Greta Thunberg famously had in the background of a picture of herself and her friends in support of Palestine. According to liberals on Twitter, it vaguely resembled an octopus from some antisemitic caricature; which (1) was only true in the way that the Big Dipper resembles an actual dipper and (2) if you make this kind of association unprompted it says more about you than about Ms Thunberg or Palestine