Digital illustrator with over 25 years of experience. I specialize in complex 3D modeling and create scientifically accurate as well as imaginative science fiction illustrations.

Not here for self-promotion, just to share some amazing artists/works that i have come across over the decades.


  • 870 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The best cheaters are already good at what they do -even if the artist is great that doesn’t mean they didn’t use AI-.

    You are very correct, sadly we can no longer know for sure even if we were to ask the artist, which really is scary, in this case though the artist seems to check out overall so left this one up, I posted the criteria i use to decide if its AI in another comment if you want a look, but ultimatley there will alway be guess work invlovled.

  • Appologies if i came across as argumentative, that was not my intention. I rely on the community as a fallback to notice any AI stuff i might miss, since as you know it can be hard to notice, i have already removed a couple of my own submissions due to this. As a personal rule, when im not sure if Its AI in normally do the following:

    • Check the account age E.g. 2 month old account with lots of high quality posts is normally a giveway its an AI user.

    • Check the gallery for wildy different styles or subject matters between posts, usually a sign of someone messing with AI.

    • Look for mentions and examples of software used.

    • And most importantly look for improvement of art quality over time, since this is more natural.

    In this case the artists seems to check out for me, so im inclined to beleive its a legit digital work and will be leaving the post up. I really do appreciate your feedback though, since we have community rule about no AI art, and they do slip by me.

  • Did you check the artists gallery before making this comment? They have been painting for at least 12 years, and can do hand sketched as well as digital painting and 3d model work. There is no evidence of the work being AI beyond the look/style, and the artist doesnt seem to need to use it. I think its more likely, the AI style is immitating this work and not the other way around.

  • Thanks for the compliment, as an artist myself i try to expose myself to as many different styles as possible. It’s amazing what one finds you venture out of your comfort zone, and while sharing some of these is a gamble since background perfection is what most people seek, i know there are people like yourself that will still see the beauty in them.