• 4 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月13日


  • “especially when the numbers are so small that it’s barely relevant”

    Small like all the people who voted for fake candidates as a form of protest that would have been enough to swing the vote in the Liberals’ favor? “We’re so angry that we got let the person from the party that never supported any electoral reform take the seat instead of the party that tried to do something about it and failed, that will show them!”

    Take responsibility for your acts, you decide to divide the vote you’re as much responsible for getting conservatives elected as any of their electors and the negative outcome is as much on you at it is on them.

    You know your party won’t win but still decide to give them your vote instead of trying to get the party closer to them in power, that’s just wasting it in the end, might as well not get out of your house, the result will be the same.

    There are consequences to your acts in life and no one can take the blame for those consequences but you.

  • If you can’t accept the fact that we don’t have a proportional system then the only problem here is you. FPTP requires that people vote strategically, it sucks, but that’s what it is.

    I’m just as mad at the people who don’t vote at all, don’t worry, but if you vote and only end up splitting the vote so your vote ends up counting as a vote for the person completely opposite to who you want in power instead of the compromise that actually has a chance to get elected then you’re just as much part of the problem. Not realizing that means people around you (and potentially yourself) end up suffering. You can think it’s me guilt tripping you all you want, if you take the time to think about it you already know it to be true.

  • And I never said the average person should own a truck but buying dirt in bulk (measured in yards) isn’t unusual if your house has space for a garden and it’s way cheaper than buying bags of it. Same for carrying lumber that would be too long for a van.

    Also it’s very funny that if you want to be able to do most of things a truck can do, the alternative to a truck should be a contractor’s van which has worse visibility on the sides and at the back, is just as big or bigger than a truck and uses the same engine…