• 248 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • A quick glance suggests that this artist has a reasonably extensive history of drawing dating back to 2013 according to HentaiFoundry. Their Twitter profile is sparse on WIPs but has a few as far as back as 2019, so I’m inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt and say it’s just some jank on their part.

    I totally appreciate the second opinion though; glad it wasn’t just me that thought about it.

  • My preference is to name the character and artist directly somewhere, usually in the title. It also works for searching when put in the description too. As long as you actually name the character/artist somewhere, it should work. Thanks for posting and asking!

    If I had the time and energy to do it, I’d probably build a sauce bot to look it up and write it out automatically, but I’m lazy.

  • Keralewd@lemmynsfw.comMtoHentai@lemmynsfw.com
    5 months ago

    feat. Ochaco Uraraka from Boku no Hero Academia - Art by SnowV | Pixiv | Gelbooru

    MOD NOTE: This post is more suggestive than explicit but it’s original content and it still looks good! We’ve done the same with other posts that are more along the lines of ecchi than hentai too. This one probably belongs on something like !lewdanimegirls@lemmynsfw.com though.

    If anyone’s wondering why it has basically no title, I think that’s because that’s how it was posted on Mastodon, but I’ll reach out to the artist to let’em know.

  • I totally agree that hitting critical mass comes with some downsides. I’m hoping that I’ll be a little insulated from that if it happens since I try to be more active on smaller communities, but there’s always some bleed over.

    Thanks for the tip w/ video too! Having to convert is a mild pain, but at least I’ve got the option and can script away some of the trouble. It worked fine on the website (mobile and desktop) but seems to fail to load entirely with the Eternity for Lemmy app for Android. I’m not sure how many people use that anyway. Maybe the upvotes will tell.

    EDIT: Seems like the upstream Lemmy repo merged a fix for the way it handles webm files.

  • It’s mostly me posting in !paizuri@lemmynsfw.com, with votes on the posts being either on the cusp of or just barely into double digits for a 400-ish subscriber community. The rough part is that while the number of subscribers continues to grow, the number of people posting and commenting has not. I exchange at most 1 comment or so from time to time with 1 other user.

    The slow but steady subscriber count growth keeps me from giving up and stopping, but I wonder when I’ll start to see engagement from more than just me. I’m thinking of trying to encourage more low-effort engagement, like [DISC] posts where people can comment with links to doujinshi with related content, but haven’t committed to it yet.

    Anecdotally, growing and maintaining a hentai-oriented community feels pretty challenging. The instance as a whole is generally IRL-oriented, looking at Local+Active (which isn’t a bad thing, esp. w/ the OC posters!). Other hentai posters have either left in search of or been banned for posting content they’d ordinarily post elsewhere. While the reasons are understandable, I think it creates some barriers to visibility and posting in hentai communities.

    EDIT: The UX around GIF/Video posting also seems to suck enough for me to not post any to avoid people just seeing still frames instead of an animation, but that’s seemingly more of a Lemmy problem than anything to do w/ this specific instance.