I am 39 years old and my egg just cracked. I can’t imagine how it must feel being stuck but there is lots of time left for you to get where you are going. Keep going strong, it gets better I swear.
I am 39 years old and my egg just cracked. I can’t imagine how it must feel being stuck but there is lots of time left for you to get where you are going. Keep going strong, it gets better I swear.
They are rebel military governors of a station that seceded from the earth government. The media in question is a part of a propaganda wing of an anti-democratic authoritarian government they are under blockade and misinformation campaign from.
By no means are they saints nor are they anything but military governors at this point. But in their defense the station was a military installation and they later go on to form a democratic government and cede control of the station back to it. So it’s definitely a show that has a stand up to those giving immoral and illegal orders vibe. Not saints, definitely military and wield it heavily sometimes. But overall the message is one of following the democratic process and respecting the freedom of the press.
The rest of the episode is centered around Sheridan allowing the freedom of the press and then getting burned in the end by the propaganda machine twisting everything that is said an seen to their own advantage. But still ends on the note that they were right to open up and right to believe in continuing to be open.
Also a voters pay and retirement benefits are not likely to be impacted by how they vote. Civil service it can make a huge difference in the long run if you retire vs get dismissed.
As much as that is a wonderful sentiment. Retirement vs firing might make a substantial difference in their quality of life i. Retirement whereas getting fired is a symbolic gesture that may or may not have any impact at all. I can understand trying to make sure that personally you come out as on as possible.
As an Alberta I resent the accuracy of your assessment…
He is also being charged federally. And that is the capital case.
This weekend I got to use my new name and pronouns with my community for the first time ever. I couldn’t believe how good it felt to hear my new name coming from the people I love. I have been having a really tough couple of months as I have been slowly processing my gender and the joy this weekend gave me made it all feel worth it.
I am extremely lucky, I have so many amazing people around me. All of my people that I reintroduced myself to were excited and supportive. I know that I have a really long road ahead and that not everyone is going to be that great. But I got a taste of what I am doing this for and I think she’s going to be worth it.
I have never seen a specialist without a giant wait-list. These providers tend to have too many patients so they have a negative incentive for trying to make it easier to reach them.
Don’t forget the classic r/Superbowl. Greatest sub reddit scoop in the history of Reddit.
People want them around the holidays because they hang their lights in the wrong direction and end up with 2 female plugs where they needed one to be male… So the want the danger adapter because they are not wanting to take anything down
I work for a Canadian EMR company and we deal with a couple of options for medical voice software. I know Dragon naturally speaking has a medical offering that likely would meet any regulatory requirements. There are also some subscription based ones that I don’t know if there are US versions of, but If you google the medical options you should be able to find some options.
Edmonton Alberta Canada, I doubt there are more than one Canadian shirtless rollerblading guitar guys out there. Though it would be kinda amazing if there were
My favorite in my city is shirtless rollerblading guitar guy. Exactly as advertised.
Why remove the plants until you have a new home to move them to?
Also that if there’s no houses left in the bank you can’t buy more, even if you buy enough houses to buy a hotel.
Thanks Satan
That’s where criminal charges get laid not civil lawsuits
I don’t think this is a scale, it looks an awful lot like an otolith, which is a calcium carbonate buildup from inside a fishes head. These are often used by biologists to age a fish similar to counting rings on a tree.
I still don’t know what species would have one shaped like that but it may help you to look in better places to identify it.
It’s two cartons of eggs, each container is a dozen and a half. Eggs are normally in units of a dozen so keeping that as a consistent unit across multiple brands and styles makes sense. Costco normally indicates how many things are packaged together more than the overall total. It’s useful to know the format.
If it was on tray of 36 eggs the would have used 3 dozen and the indicator to keep it consistent with the standard unit of eggs.