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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Two weeks before 600 hundred people died in the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe through Greece, hoping for a better life, and no one cared about them. Then a touristic submarine full with shitty people that doesn’t know what to do with their stolen money (every rich person is a thief, if you have money above a certain amount you are stealing from society) explode, and the whole world cares about getting them back. Me, I say to send more rich people down the ocean, and I hope this is only the beginning: touristic space travels also promise interesting developments in this direction.

  • Completely agree to that. They still are profit based, but what is not in capitalism? They do the best they can. Profit is made following an ideal, and is not given to shareholders that didn’t worked not even one minute in their life. I think is important to sustain cooperatives in this economy: I don’t see a proper revolution coming soon, so I think sustaining the social and solidarity economy can be a good way to foster a transition towards a more environmentally and socially sound society.