The real MissDarylC

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • After not handing in my first two assignments for the two subjects I’m currently studying, I then didn’t hand in the next two assignments…so I wasn’t going to pass anyway. Once I have my adhd diagnosis I’m going to get a letter from my psychiatrist stating that I’ve had severely reduced capacity due to adhd and work stress and that led me to being unable to do my assignments. It’s really hard to explain the feeling of it all, but I’m just going allow myself to rest and reduce the pressure on myself.

  • I’ve got to an assignment where I present both sides of an argument, I have two to choose from:

    1. should the date of 26 Jan as Australia Day be changed?

    2. is there room for Indigenous culture in modern Australian society?

    I really like both options, as someone originally from NZ where it isn’t perfect but our Indigenous culture is held is much more esteem, I like the culture argument but also as someone who is firmly in the move the date camp, I’m also interested in that. which should I choose?

  • Glad to know I’m not the only one who would shut up shop and leave normally. But I really like being in my own space for sleep.

    The update is, I psyched myself up and found that there was half of a dead mouse visible on the floor, I then psyched myself up and used a dustpan and brush to scoop it up which was by far one of the worst things I’ve had to do. For that I’m quite glad I found the nerve to check but at the same time, deeply regretful as the nausea from retching hasn’t subsided.

  • My cat caught a mouse in the backyard and brought it inside and straight into my bedroom and my mum just straight up shut my door, which I get as she is deathly afraid of mice. I haven’t been back into my room, I don’t know if the mouse escaped in my room or is dead, or escaped half dead and is now dead in one of the 500 nooks and crannies of my bedroom full of stuff and I don’t really know what to do, I’m exhausted after a day of gardening and I really don’t want to go on a mouse search right now but I know I have to. I’m just here to complain and seek comfort.

    Edited to add: my cat is only allowed in the backyard when I am around to supervise, we had a previous mouse problem but had dealt with it.

  • Going to after work drinks tomorrow night and the problem with my job is that I educate germ filled toddlers who have the snottiest noses so my preference is to change my clothing regardless of whether snot ends up on the clothing or not. So do I wear a sweater dress and take another sweater dress to change into, or do I wear jeans and a top to work and then take a replacement pair of jeans and a nice top to put on. The dress is perfect for ease and speed, the jeans are sort of practical and more casual but not sure why. If someone could unscramble my thoughts and make a decision for me, I’d appreciate it.