I don’t disagree with any of the points you raise.
I’m mainly asking about what we should do in the case that a similar referendum happens in the EU when this rhetoric is already controlled by the right. Assuming we don’t have the time/opportunity to build and grow our own leftist anti-EU rhetoric.
The assumption here is that we would know beforehand, given the popularity of the right, that they would rise to power in the direct aftermath and accelerate the worsening of the material conditions for the working class, in addition to enacting a lot of hateful policies for marginalised groups.
The question is less about what should the left’s position be on the EU in general, rather about what should be done at that specific point in time where you know what the immediate consequences would be if that country left the EU through a rightist movement.
In other words: should an EU-exit be delayed by leftists until it happens under more favourable conditions?
I’ve re-read this comment three times and can’t get over “Morocco, Africa”. I’ve never seen a country referred to like this in my life.