Walter Water-Walker

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 11th, 2022


  • Human psychology suggests that major life changes require a lot of time to process the internalization we have while going through them. We have to unpack things and question our own assumptions and be honest with ourselves on things we thought we’d never have to be honest with ourselves about.

    I think that most people becoming socialists are coming from the toxic ideology of liberalism. Liberalism is a mental cage, designed to keep people captive in the predominant mode, all while thinking they’re actually free! When becoming a socialist, it’s a real struggled to free oneself from the shackles of liberal thought. It’s really, really tough. And it takes a lot of time, just like any change.

    During a transition period from liberalism to socialism (technically, Marxism), people go through large periods of doubt and frustration and pessimism. But don’t let that get you off track. It’s natural and normal. You’re just starting to see the world for what it is, rather than what the powerful want you to believe it is. And the world is confusing and wild and lots of ugly. So it’s alarming.

    Keep the course. Stay steady on. You’ll get out of the murky waters eventually. Once you can use material dialectics to analyze news and current events and history and movies and … then you’ll start realizing that the world was always this way and there’s no real sense in getting down about it. Live your life, do your part and push things a little further along.

    None of the timings of things are up to us. It’s only on us to be ready for when the moment’s right. And to be humble enough to also be ready for that moment to be after we’re gone. Regardless of the circumstances, a socialist’s job is always the same: educate, agitate and organize.

  • I have two dogs (a big one and a little one) and some training from a dog trainer. There’s no “getting even” with dogs. If you pee on their bed, they won’t care. They’ll smell it, and because their sense of smell is drastically more evolved than ours, they’ll figure out what you ate a couple of meals ago and what you’re current mood is. They will not interpret your pee as an act of vengeance.

    There’s no punishment you can give. Instead, you need to hack dogs’ psychology (which is easy, actually) and train them to pee outdoors only. The way you do this is to by POSITIVE motivation. Each time they pee outdoors, give them a treat. You have about ~2 seconds to give them that treat though, so keep treats in your pocket at all times. Treats you know they like.

    What will happen is that they’ll pee exactly where you want them to pee to get the treat. It takes multiple times, but they’ll make the connection. They just want the treat. Only after they’ve made the appropriate connection between peeing where you want and getting a reward can you begin then to not always give them the treat. Instead, affirm with a simple “good boy” and maybe a pet. Slowly (over weeks) retreat the reward until you’re just giving a verbal “good boy”. And maybe not even every time.

    What they will do is just pee outside because “that’s the way they always do it”. That’s it. That’s all their brains will tell them. And they might bark or ask to go outside even when they need to go because, in their heads, it’s “weird” to go inside. It’s not what they did the last 20 times so they don’t want to.

    Anyway. Take it from a random person on the Internet: punishment won’t be effective. Just hack your dog’s love of food and love of routine. Keep it positive and you’ll, eventually, receive the fruits of your labor.

  • Thanks. I’ll check that out.

    I don’t think there’s real evidence the Uyghur thing is actual genocide. Nothing points to that. We might be able to say that China is overdoing it and has fallen into the territory of negatively effecting the culture and identity of those people. But it’s certain not actual genocide. They’re dealing with serious issues of terrorism on their borders and the ideology of those terrorist factions has latched onto their culture and identity. Sussing all that out is an impossible task. Yet they must do something because too many innocent people were being killed by bombings.

    I don’t agree with China’s methods there. Simultaneously, I can recognize that when the USA has similar issues (9/11 attacks for example), they chose outright war and killing millions of innocent people in the name of defeating terrorism (which they, predictably, never accomplished). So, um, if given these two bad options, I think China did better.

    But, more importantly, I think China’s trajectory is much better. As capitalism gets more desperate, it’s been closing borders, allowing helpless immigrants to drown in boats, destabilizing countries, etc. Meanwhile, China continues to improve their methods of dealing with sticky situations and not just rolling in the tanks at the first sign of trouble (like they used to).

    Anyway. That’s the extent that I know about that stuff (lots of listening to David Dumbrill’s stuff on YouTube).

    But you are right that conversation is impossible while the “Uyghur issue” exists.