• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Yeah, it depends on what you mean.

    In many cases malware and phishing is hosted off other compromised sites. So, they build a list of Wordpress sites with vulnerabilities, and use the vulnerabilities to host their files on them. For example, imagine “legitimate-medical-site.net.com” is a real site. The attacker will use the exploit to upload malicious files in there somewhere like “legitimate-medical-site. net. com/qwertasdf/invoice.pdf”.

    If the site gets blocked or shutdown it’s no loss to them.

    Another technique, especially phishing wise, they will have a semi-plausible domain name (e.g. youbank-security-server .con). But they will register heaps of these. There are tonnes of top level domains that do next to no checking. These things cost a few bucks, so having it taken down is not a problem.

    The combination of burner sites and domains mean they have a window of opportunity to run their attacks and scams before other protections kick in.

  • We’ve had many of these. We just leaver up the boards and tear them out.

    You could plunge cut with a circular saw along the edge. Then work a chisel under it and just tear out the floor boards any way you can.

    Then for the screws, I either tear them out with pincer pliers for the shallow ones (you can get decent leverage with pincer pliers). Or just cut them flush with the joists and leave them there (quick work with an angle grinder and cut-off disc).

    PS. Sorry been trying to reply to you for a few hours but my client wouldn’t connect.

  • I secretly moved a bank of high school lockers about 1ft per day, every school day, for a whole year.

    They were pretty light - those steel “backpack only” sized lockers in a about a 3x4 arrangement. Some days I’d just lean on the end of them to nudge them over, but skipping doorways and around corners meant extra planning and often meant I had to come in to school early.

    The janitor caught me one morning. He agreed it was a funny prank and offered to help when we got to the staircase.

    By the end of the year the lockers had migrated up one floor and over to a separate building.

    I kept the secret for decades and only recently started telling the story.

  • Lexx is wild. I watched it originally on a pay tv channel that had cut the episodes up into ~25 minute blocks.

    I first dropped into late season 2 and occasionally I’d miss an episode.

    So, combined with the weird cutting, the no context and the standard Lexx craziness, I had NO idea what was happening. The whole thing was a fever dream. Highly recommend!

    I actually think it’s was the best way to watch it first go round! Then, when I came back and do the whole series in order and it was almost as much of a surprise.

  • Breadboard is a cool idea, but your first experiments will likely be super simple right?

    Here’s a few thoughts.

    How about some double conducting copper tape and sheets of craft paper or cardboard. (Double conducting conducts on the top as well as the sticky side so overlapping joins completes the circuit).

    You can draw/plan and then route the copper sticky tape like a circuit board. Fashion basic switches from the copper tape around a cardboard flap, tape down any “flat” components like resistors.

    Add some tinned leads to anything that would stick up from the board.

    I often find the more tactile “MacGyver” approach is a better teaching aid as there’s no mystery behind the scenes (no hidden board wires, no pre-mounted components or connectors). Everything is built up from existing skills and experiences.

    When you start to get more advanced, 80s Aussie kids grew up with:

    https://archive.org/details/dicksmithsfunwayintoelectronicsvolume2/Dick Smith's Funway into Electronics Volume 1/page/n5/mode/1up?view=theater

    That has a complete list of components needed for the projects in the book. Same idea as the copper tape, just with bits of wire and screws. The project in the book were all built onto a pre-drilled block of plastic with the schematic laid on top. They were fun little projects and easy enough to do - the flashers and sirens were a hit for me.

  • This worked well for me and it gave me a spreadsheet (.csv) of my posts and comments.

    You just go to the linked page, drag the “button” up to your bookmarks bar. Then navigate to your reddit profile and click the bookmark let, select your options and “go” - then wait.

    Mine took about 15 minute to scrub 10 years and about 2000 comments. It missed a few so I manually edited and then deleted those.

    Take note… I’ve heard (anecdotally), if you want your history backup, do not interrupt the process or close the window.