You would also have to double the debt of everyone in debt. Students might be quite annoyed, but not nearly as much as Alex Jones.
You would also have to double the debt of everyone in debt. Students might be quite annoyed, but not nearly as much as Alex Jones.
Fewer turns but one more Bend.
Well the ADA only requires ‘reasonable’ accommodations. So I guess the logic of this case would be that if the substitution only costs a little bit more than the original ingredient then they should offer it at the same price. But this would still allow for business to charge extra when making the substitution would be ‘unreasonably’ expensive.
I don’t know how it is in other countries, but here in the UK we still have light sockets rated for the older incandescent bulbs that needed around 60W. But LEDs are much more efficient. Sometimes you see LED bulbs with absurd things like ‘5W = 60W’ written on them, meaning that it actually uses 5W, but it’s as bright as an old 60W bulb. You basically don’t need to worry about the safety limit of the socket, since the LEDs are way under it. Of course since the socket is rated for 60W you could plug in a 60W LED, which would be as bright as an 720W incandescent bulb.
Which I suspect is what this person did to their poor fridge.
The UK quite often sees words switch around in how posh they are. This is because most people want to sound posher than they really are, while the actual posh people have nothing to prove and want to seem down-to-earth. See U and non-U English.
There is a four dimensional set of which the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets are both slices.