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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I literally gave you a link from the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, the national iranian broadcaster, whose head is appointed by Khamenei directly. If it is a wrong translation, they were the ones that made it. And by reading your own link, do you really give any presumption of innocence to someone who speaks at a Holocaust Denial Conference??

    Plus what internal consumption. If you say out loud “this country should not exist anymore” with a history of threats against that country, you should not get nuclear weapons. You can’t justify this because you were speaking to extremist elements inside your country. If anything that’s a counterargument.

    could also quote a lot of radical garbage from Bush or other worse nutjobs in the US

    I don’t think the US deserves nuclear weapons either for that matter. Bush is a war criminal like Khameini is and I’d have them trialed decades ago if I had any say about it.

    Israel is basically a failed state. The only solution now is a 1 state solution for Palestine-Israel after a period of “de-nazification” of Israel.

    Yes, this is a pretty good example of someone having a different opinion than me. On the contrary of what you say, I can indeed picture you as a human being with your own thoughts and ideas and family that you love. But your opinion is as true as the Catholic Church’s (also made of real people) was on heliocentrism.

  • I see you aren’t engaging most of my comment. That’s fine, hopefully it made you think at least.

    peaceful use

    You can’t claim things like “Israel must be wiped off the map” (Iranian source before you continue with the propaganda accusations) and pretend you are enriching uranium over the needed amount for civilian use for peaceful purposes.

    Iraq and WMDs

    No argument here, that’s just America doing American things. I’d have Bush and his whole admin at the Hague if it was up to me. Not that Saddam deserved better, but the Iraqi did.

    Last paragraph.

    And you’re right, Iran has a right to defend themselves. But they aren’t defending themselves in this situation. You don’t defend yourself by having a proxy invade then another take control of a country so you can have it lob missiles at a third one without endangering yourself.

  • Is it simply impossible for you to imagine that other peoples have different opinions and viewpoints on things?

    There are an infinity of viewpoints, and many (most?) of them will be wrong.

    • “Lebanon, Iran and the Palestinians can defend themselves” is not wrong.
    • “Lebanon and Iran are currently defending themselves” is wrong.

    Lebanon isn’t even included in this, Hezbollah is not Lebanon. Iran is attacking Israel. They could stop doing that anytime and have Israel leave them alone. That includes giving up on their uranium enrichment.

    Palestinians are a much more complicated situation, because the settler land theft is agression from Israel and should have stopped decades ago. But the current Palestinian leaders (both Hamas and Fatah) don’t actually care to solve that. They would rather have their citizens continue to die so they can continue getting richer. Which is why they encourage deadly attacks on civilian which will keep Netanyahu and his ilk in power, because Israelis like all humans tend to respond to violence with violence.

    These are human beings sick of imperialist aggression.

    Bullshit. How can you be so blind? Iran is led by right-wing theocrats leaders, they would be imperialist themselves if they could afford to. Actually they are, since they supported Syria when it fucking invaded Lebanon for 30 years. And then left Hezbollah to continue controlling the place, where it has more influence than the actual Lebanese governement, which is supposed to represent the Lebanese people.

    Hezbollah does not act in the interest of the Lebanese people, they are murderous thugs that obey their masters in Tehran. If they truly wanted to help Lebanese people, they would not be shooting at Israel. There are so many things in terrible shape in Lebanon they could be fixing, but no, they are a large part of the problem because they want control over making things better.

  • Sorry for the delayed answer.

    I fail to see how using OpenSecrets is a problem. Be it private donors or foreign groups/governements, all the money is (officially) there, is that not so?

    Because in the comment you are answering to, the comparisons are done also against groups funded by private donors. Which should also not be registered under the act. And again, those other groups massively outspend the pro-Israel ones.

    What other foreign nation lobbying group donates $14M to the opponent of a congressman and pays for attack ads against him to hurt his chances in an upcoming election? It’s unprecedented.

    I have honestly no idea? But from my understanding, any other random lobbying group could also do the same, if they had an interest into it. Hell, maybe they do already but there has been no reporting on it because it’s less interesting if it’s the NRA or Lockheed-Martin?

  • Sure, but even in other categories AIPAC is far from a top-player from what I understand.

    Here are the numbers for the 2022 cycle, since 2024 isn’t done yet I found 2022 more relevant.

    American Israel Public Affairs Cmte Contributions $13,423,002 Ranks 46 of 34,495

    Lobbying Ranks 247 of 8,586 in 2022 $2,723,081 in 2022 $2,757,247 in 2021

    Here is the section for the “Pro-Israel” Interest Group, which includes other groups than AIPAC. It still totals 44m$ for 2022.

    Here is the page for Lobbying -> Single Issue category, for 2022. Here also, “Pro-Israel” is far from a top player. The “Human Rights” category, which many say is pretty much opposite of what Israel’s governement is doing these days, outspends them 16 to 1.

    So everything I’ve seen so far really doesn’t push me to believe that they have such a massive influence that OP or whoever that Cenk Uygur guy is can honestly say “AIPAC controls everything”. Unless someone can show me there are numbers that are not taken into account in OpenSecrets (and then, if that’s the case, give me a comparison in how other groups use those alternative channels), then this is basically antisemitism (“Jews control the world”) from OP and Cenk, currently upvoted at +200.

  • So why not lean into it fully and make the GM responsible for the whole balancing?

    Because having things balanced properly in regard to the myriad options that are possible in people imaginations is hard, especially related to combat. Improper balacing leads to people having a bad time, while having an established, fair ruleset lets the DM and the players focus on other things.

    No need for the framework to do balancing, because a good GM will do that.

    But at this point why even have rules? A “good GM” can just entirely improvise a system.

  • I mean, to each group their own, but 4176 is the total of all together, which is a very unfair way of presenting it.

    You’ll never have to choose between all of them, or even a decent fraction.

    While leveling up, you’ll have to choose between 4-8 class feats accessible at your level, and you would usually prioritise ones available from your current levels to those available beforehand. Plus, at some point many feats require prerequisite, which means you can cut down half of options you can choose from really. Same thing with the race feats, skill feats and general feats.

    8 possibilites maximum at every level up might be too much for some people, but really isn’t in the same ballpark of having to choose between 4000+ every time.