Additionally, please refer to the lemmy github page for feature requests. Please note that is developing lemmy ( the software ).
I am Rooki Cookie. I am a programmer and i try to help everyone :)
Additionally, please refer to the lemmy github page for feature requests. Please note that is developing lemmy ( the software ).
We had never the intention to drop the website. We do not profit at all ( only if you “profit” from online shame and harassment ). I even donate myself to the platform and ocasionally to other open source federated software.
We all are human and arent perfect and cant track everything and all things. Lemmy devs ocasionally ignore us because “big instance bad” and the instability in their recent releases and lack of testing LW is 5 or 6 versions now back? Because we dont want to rush and if we make a wrong step with upgrading it causes a blackout on lemmy. Additionally we have some tweaks that we want to backport when we upgrade, that moderation doesnt get hurt by upgrading.
Like said if the instance has basic autmation at least 1 is doable.
In the case of “DMs on removal of a post / comment” it is possible to do that with the current api of lemmy. But sadly nothing “official” yet. And it wont come anytime soon as lemmy devs officially announced they wont work at any moderation related topics for a while.
I dont know too, only the lemmy devs know.
some reason may be:
Banned from the community, VPN ( this isnt it as otherwise you couldnt post this ).
For better understanding your issue, please check your network tab in your browsers console and check what response code you get and what response you get.
Lemmy has some federation issues in general. We has just “so many” because we are on a large scale that no one ever had.
you could check but so far both incoming or outgoing has any high latency or high failure count.
The whole page just dont work, because he denied consent blocking 3rd party with ublock or so just removes them and doesnt deny or accept them. So it doesnt “block” you as the fallthrough for many pages are “Consented”
I dont understand the lemmy algorithm too.
Yes the reason is, there was fewer upvotes in those 30 minutes.
If other posts arent rated high, then new posts are “Top” rated high at the start. But if other posts have higher votes then new posts will be below them.
Yes thats the issue, if it is sorted by hot, new posts never gets right to the top.
Do you have the sorting wrong? As i can guess its on “Top” sorting not “New”
I doubt the battery live as its on windows and has more beefed up specs to supporg windows. Ok i had one in my hands i guess ergonomics are completly different when it felt heavier.
350 bucks i get a steamdeck too i guess if it eats my sd cards its an ok price to pay
You can stream to a display too. And then why not use steamlink in generall? As it is like the xbox app(?) wokrs
So its just a steam link app? You are fully mobile instead to carry 1 tablet 1 controller 1 phone with you.
Same with steamdeck you can literally remotedesktop or just use steamlink to access your pc.
People dont like to carry a laptop around and the same argument i said why not just get a steamdeck as it just literally combines your laptop, tablet and controller + can be used as literall laptop ( even better with docking station ) because your argument is that bingjng 3 items is easier to carry 1 (with carry case) to play mobile.
Your argument that you dont want to carry the entire setup is understandable ( i dont have problems gaming on it for hours without interruptions and i am not the strongest ).
The steamdeck is a game changer in the terms of linux gaming and portability of consoles ( i would say your setup isnt portable as 3 items to bring 24/7 is like why not take your xbox ) and the controllers are just best and inovative + repairability, its for a long time a repairable console from a big company.
Windows on handheld is battery drain and UI/UX is the worst on there, worse design(i just say “destroying Microsd” and then not even repair that flaw and scam their customers from their repairs ), clump of plastic with no ergonomic, propiatary connector for external gpu ( steamdeck doesnt need that as its good enough for 99% ) cheaper? ??? Desktop solution and their “ROG Ally software” is crappy 10$ development. Linux > Windows on handheld for battery and performance. You only get windows for xbox game pass. ( There are alternatives on linux too i think ).
The prices are almost equal, steamdeck you can easier upgrade and have better support and community ( see you ), the oled on steamdeck is peak and controlls are the best there.
Steamdeck is a bit more portable as it isnt as THICK as the ROG Ally. + Valve doesnt iterate every year over their handheld but updates their os.
Yes i know but that is what i mean with steam link you stream your game to another pc / screen. Microsoft xbox is cloud gaming and is laggier
This happens when CSS isnt loaded correctly for example when you just lost internet during loading or have adblocker block the css fetching, so a simple refresh should fix that. Of course it doesnt let you because the real validation is done in the backend.