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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月20日


  • He was a relatable character, in what he wanted, but he forced the Mutant gene on that dude, then that guy died. I just remember he wanted to rinse/repeat that on the whole city (not knowing everyone would die). I think it’s an oversimplification to say he’s right, but he’s definitely relatable, which makes him a terrific villain.

  • Even the tldr bot forwards such a heavy bias into the delivery of this information, I couldn’t even get through it without eye-rolling. I’d like to receive the info, and then be allowed to think for myself.

    This isn’t journalism - it’s a thirsty-for-validation, one-sided take on this topic. This proposal may not be viable in a vacuum, but there may be some interesting ideas that can be taken from it, when the reader isn’t being spoonfed the psyche of an author that clearly wants you to agree with them. Like I said - I’d rather either hear both sides fairly, or get the info without it already dripping with the stank of another person’s very negative opinion. Whether or not you agree with me, as long as you’re thinking for yourself, you’re doing it right.

    Edited first sentence for clarity.

  • Thanks a ton. I saw some other comments with spoilers flagged that were working, but they weren’t indented in block quotes, if it helps. I suck at markdown stuff, so that’s the best I can guess for troubleshooting.

    I’ve tried some other games to try find a similar experience to Esther, but the quality of DE has proven to be rather rare.

    What Remains of Edith Finch was similarly evocative, in many ways. I want to try The Unfinished Swan at some point, as a follow-up.

    Leviathan was one that couldn’t click with me. I hate blaming the voice acting, because he certainly had the chops, so I’m guessing he wasn’t directed to be a sympathetic narrator, so much. I won’t say more, but I think they were just going in a different direction/vibe in that game.