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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • It really shows that finally, America is getting the leaders they deserve. Not the ones they need, but the most honest representations of all the sins of the empire come home to roost.

    Obama and Romney can speak eloquently, give a veneer of respectability, and pretend they gave a damn about the common peasantry or “human rights,” but beneath it all they’re just as terrible as Trump or Biden, and they played a role (and continue to do so) in creating and sustaining all the same problems haunting the US now.

    Obama strikes me as particularly insidious, because he- as the first black POTUS (figurehead) for the blob, oversaw the destruction of Africa’s most developed country, and its turning into a hell-on-earth with open air slave markets. He oversaw the destruction of black home ownership, and (despite his sensible misgivings) set the stage for the current events in Ukraine, as well as the “pivot to Asia,” and for whatever sympathies he appears to genuinely have had and still have for the Palestinians, ultimately he did and still does nothing about it.

    He was just a figurehead, sure- and if he’d attempted to do anything meaningful, he probably would have gotten JFKed. But he allowed himself to be the figurehead for such atrocious policies, and he played no small part in cleaning up and sustaining the facade of “liberal democracy.”

    I prefer the clearly abhorrent character of Trump, and to a lesser (but still significant) extent Biden, in comparison. It would of course be best if the US could turn itself around, but as that won’t happen- better a blatant monster, than a competent and affable person who can present a pretty picture of the monstrous empire and fool many, if you ask me. Biden, and even Obama before him, were no better than Trump- in fact in many ways they were worse, certainly in their foreign policy they were. And I suspect Biden (or whatever Democrat runs) will do a whole lot more damage- not simply to the empire, but to innocent citizens and to the entire world- than Trump would in a second term, considering that business didn’t only continue as usual when Biden took office, but accelerated towards WW3, and unlike how it was with Trump’s terrible image, Biden (or his puppetmasters, anyways- the man probably doesn’t have much sense left) has the whole west happily goosestepping in line with his atrocities. They would have done so anyways, sure- but at least they would have hemmed and hawed about it and maybe even had second thoughts if the optics were worse, if the Orange Man™ were in power.

  • Honestly, so much of the Judeo-Christian (if not just most Abrahamic) beliefs seem centered around shitting on everything that came prior, as well as other peoples’ beliefs. The Christian take on it in particular- notably the western, Latin-derived (Catholic/Protestant/etc) denominations strike me as having tendencies of being especially spiteful and mean-spirited in this regard.

  • While accurate, it’s also too vague. Which capitalists are responsible, for championing its highest form as a world system, for pushing it to its furthest logical extensions, and for countless horrendous crimes and genocides done in its name? The Latin American, Asian, African capitalists? Or even, more sensibly, the European capitalists? No, it’s the Anglo-Americans, and when and where it has not been them, it has been those inspired by (and often also in some considerable degree instigated by) them. And when and where other nations have sought to progress past it or even just lessen its excesses, it is those greatest champions of capital (and genocide, and imperialism), the Anglo-Americans, who have, time and time again, acted as the “global policemen” (and global corrupters, global terrorists) to undermine and destroy such positive change.

    There’s a reason why, in the multipolar world that is now being built, nations of all stripes- AES like China, capitalist nations like Russia, Brazil, South Africa, reactionary monarchies like the Saudis and Islamic republics like Iran, and even fascists in all but name like the Indian Hindutvas, and all sorts of other nations and peoples of all kinds across the globe, are finding common cause, in overthrowing this unbearable yoke.

    Capitalism is to blame, yes. But it is its highest form- imperialism- which is the first and foremost contradiction, which must be taken down as a world system, which must be specifically defined (and recognized as the highest stage of capital, yes) and singled out here, I believe- and one cannot speak of imperialism, without mentioning and singling out the regime which runs the show behind this world system today, the US empire.

  • Funny thing is 99% of the “plastic crap” is literally built in a communist country, which outcompetes the west, and is increasingly doing so in all fields, and produces more ethically (though that is also a matter of the world system we live in), efficiently, and environmentally than the west.

    The Chinese proles are increasingly eating better, living better, having better stuff at cheaper prices, having better homes (in contrast to the west where home ownership is out of sight for an increasingly large share of the population), and it’s all thanks to communism, to the dictatorship of the proletariat being upheld, and delivering such wondrous results for its people.

  • forgetting that she praised her grandpa “fighting for european integration, during WW2”

    I suppose technically that’s not incorrect lol… looked it up and- yep, he was in the Wehrmacht, and an enthusiastic Nazi supporter and Hitler’s War Merit award recipient.

    Euros really are shameless, but then the whole west is…

  • Looking it up, the answer is no- debt collection, at least in the shady form it takes in the west, is illegal in China. Whatever debts are demanded due have to be presented by a lawyer to courts.

    If you ask me, that’s a good thing- just as the credit industry should not exist in the form it does (and China has prevented their country from being flooded by cheap consumer credit), debt collectors also should not be allowed to exist, certainly not in any way akin to how they do in the west.

    It may sound bloodthirsty but if it were up to me? Such predators who target the working class in particular, and with such notoriously corrupt and coercive, often illegal means, should be sent for re-education- the repeat offenders, lined up and shot, and that is the generous treatment for them- as I certainly am also a believer in that there is a considerable value and importance in the societal concept and expectations of justice, if I had such power I would even publicly flay them if they were abhorrent enough, or have them handled by the mob. Because if worst comes to worst, medieval problems certainly can and do call for medieval solutions. Those who inflict cruelty have no place to complain when it is turned back upon them, and that satisfaction is something politically relevant, and I’d argue- psychologically necessary, for the individual and for society, to some large degree.

  • They know what they’re getting into, tbh. Has the CIA ever, even once, done anything that could be considered beneficial to humanity, or even the average American? Frankly I don’t think so- they were founded shortly after WW2 and have been terrorizing the world (and assassinating presidents, likely including American ones) ever since.

    They’re basically the world’s biggest terrorist organization and organized crime syndicate, and the second-largest drug cartel in history after perhaps the British empire.

  • Going by the metaphor, Germany still is a rapist, and fully supporting Israel’s following in their footsteps. The only difference between the west today, and 80 years ago in that sense, is that nowadays, all the rapists cooperate hand-in-hand with each other (while bending over for big daddy AmeriKKKa) and claim they’re giving their victims “freedom and democracy” rather than “civilization and Christianity.”

  • They’re also probably just not that bright. Liberalism (especially of the neoliberal variety these schmucks represent the worst of) and the triumphal “end of history” really did a number on the western elites’ intellect IMO. The walking, talking turds holding highest office across the west nowadays seem to have no self-reflection, perhaps no cognitive empathy whatsoever- and there’s been no incentive for them to develop it.

  • How do you make them see that the alternative - community, is better than material isolation?

    I think they’d need to see how community is elsewhere- outside the west- to understand. Because there are so many reasons why material isolation would be absolutely preferable over settler-colonial community to most people regardless of ideology.

    Community, and society at large, can be an empowering thing, something that betters peoples’ lives. It can be a force for harmony and equality rather than racism, alienation, and all sorts of societal divisions. It can be a source of belonging, fulfillment, heritage and culture, etc. This is too often not the case, particularly in the settler-colonial neoliberal societies of the west.

    Everything you said is valid, but within this society (and most) home ownership is stability. Rural home and land ownership in settler-colonial countries (or worse, landlordism) is another matter entirely, but home ownership is a metric that many communist and formerly communist countries, China included, are testaments to the importance of. And by “community”- well, there is community, but one has to seek out their own decent spaces here. The mainstream society here in Canada frankly, increasingly disgusts, horrifies, and terrifies me, especially as someone who is a racial minority and a communist. In such a environment, seeking to isolate oneself makes complete sense, though the preferable thing would of course be leaving altogether.

  • The main thing I’m trying to remove from my body is external dirt and piss/shit/cum.

    Pretty much, this is what most people probably should focus on, and doing so for the most part smells and hygiene alike shouldn’t be an issue. I rarely use shampoo or conditioner, oftentimes don’t even wash my hair or let it wet (heavy water), and most of the time I’m not soaping down entirely, just where it’s needed (genitals and below, also armpits though mine don’t stink but it fits- sometimes the face as well but then I’m probs gonna moisturize after as I hate the feeling of dry skin and was raised w/ it as a habit).