• 41 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • The PA is generally recognized as the government for the West Bank and supposedly all of Palestine, however defacto they are just the extended arm of the Occupation. They have been assaulting resistance forces and civilians in Jenin throughout December already, murdering a Palestinian Journalist and torturing people, among other things.

    The PA is part of the “we want a peaceful solution” facade that Israels allies placate, while manifesting the occupation and annexation further.

  • Keep in mind, that the past decade centrist and right wing media did everything to give the AfD maximum attention and for the past 3 years every party from left of center to right bent over backwards to push themselves to the right and far right. the Greens and Social Democrats passed a law to make deportations easier just a week after investigative journalists uncovered a meeting by the AfD, other Fascists and the CDU to discuss plans for large scale deportations. sitting chancellor Scholz had declared “We need to deport in grand style” a few months earlier.

    Now for the AfD ban innitiation a relevant faction of the Green party want to block it on the basis of “wanting more time, a parliamentary inquiry and not to risk giving the AfD a carte blanche if the ban case fails.” I think it is more because they are worried that some of their right and far right policies could come under scrutiny too.

    The reality is that large parts of German politics have been infiltrated by and wanted to move to the right very hard. They just waited for a pretext to do so, where they don’t end up being the far right all of a sudden.

    I’m just mentioning the Green party as an example, because they used to be a progressive party, left of the social democrats and right of the Left party, and i am dissapointed the most in them. But the CDU is using the same election slogans as the AfD currently and the Bavarian abomination CSU now has posters that look the same to posters of the NPD, which is the skinheads with baseball bats style Nazi-party.



  • It is very much applicable.

    Second, resistance doesn’t have to be a dramatic act. It can be a small act, like losing a sheet of paper, taking your time processing something, not serving someone in a restaurant. Small acts taken by thousands have big effects.

    Fourth, part of the third point really, sometimes the best way to do things is right out in the open. Because no one will believe something like what you’re doing would be happening so blatantly. All good Social Engineers know this.

    Five, bide your time. But be ready for opportunity when it strikes. Again, your action need not be dramatic. Just a little sand in the gears helps.

    Every government needs to work. It depends on its loyalists to give it financial and organizational support in exchange for economic benefits.

    So anything that interferes with the “normal” order of things is an act of resistance. Also don’t get fooled into the idea, that you will resist once things reach a certain threshold. By then you will feel what needs to be done to be way to big for your own abilities, since you never trained and tried to do anything.

    Start with something easy like putting up political stickers around your town. That sounds easy in concept, but you already will train yourself to be brazen, but also on alert if someone politically opposed to you might want to challenge you verbally or attack you physically. You life close to an amazon warehouse? Why not skip a green phase, when the delivery trucks are lined up behind you?

    Speaking of Amazon, we see with the Resistance for Palestine, that Boycotts work. Making a point of not buying products from companies that support the Israeli regime can be expanded to also making a point of not buying into the Trump government.

  • Als eine Polizistin des Mannes Hand ergriff, um seinen Finger zwangsweise auf den Sensor zu legen, versuchte der Beamtshandelte, sich zu wehren. Er wurde schließlich am Boden fixiert, das Telefon wurde mit seinem Finger entsperrt. Wegen Widerstands gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte setzte es vom Amtsgericht Bremerhaven eine Geldstrafe, die auch vom Landgericht Bremen bestätigt wurde.

    Zwar werde in das Grundrecht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung eingegriffen, aber nur mit geringer Intensität, die gerechtfertigt sei.

    Getrennt von der Entsperrung sei zu beurteilen, ob die auf dem Telefon gespeicherten oder über das Telefon abrufbaren Daten ausgewertet werden dürfen. Das war allerdings nicht Anlass für die Geldstrafe und daher nicht Kernthema der Entscheidung über das Rechtsmittel. Das OLG verweist kurz auf die Bestimmungen zu Durchsuchung und Beschlagnahme in den Paragraphen 94 und 110 StPO.

    Also zusammengefasst: Die Polizei darf dich verprügeln, um dein Handy zu entsperren, auch wenn unklar ist, ob sie überhaupt die Daten auf dem Handy auswerten darf.

    Der nächste logische Schritt ist dann, dass die Polizei in deine Wohnung einbrechen darf, auch wenn sie keinen Durchsuchungsbeschluss hat. Kann ja dann im Nachgang geklärt werden, ob sie dann auswerten dürfen, wozu sie sich mit Gewalt zugang verschafft haben…

  • This has been part of a legal discussion over the past twentyish years, as the Internet allows for people to do hate speech that is prosecutable under German law from outside Germany, but targeted towards a German audience.

    The English Wikipedia entry does not include the section about this issue, however the German one does. Maybe you could pass it through a translator of your choice. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volksverhetzung#Anwendung_auf_Auslandstaten_(Strafanwendungsrecht)

    Basically the Bundesgerichtshof (federal court) which is the highest instance below the constitutional court used to rule it as sufficient, when the hate speech can be available in Germany. In 2016 they changed this opinion, saying that the possible availability in Germany does not constitute a success of the act and hence it cannot be considered part of the suitability of hate speech committed in another country. Because of that surrounding laws were amended in 2020 to specify that hate speech committed abroad can be prosecuted in Germany, if it was received by a wider audience (i think this is evident in the case of Musks Hitler salute) and the perpetrator is either a German citizen or has significant connections to Germany.

    In regards to jurisdiction you cannot apply the concepts that work inside a federal nation state to how things work between nation states.

    Poland could pass a law to prosecute abortions done abroad under their own jurisdiction, if such a law would be in accordance with other EU laws. If we take the UK instead as an example, they could absolutely do that. Now whether other countries would extradite someone accused under such a law to the UK is another question.

  • As it stands in terms of manifested actual political effects, not virtue signaling and token efforts, Trump managed to push for the ceasefire Biden was unwilling to apply pressure for.

    We will see, how the politics of Trump look, when it comes to material on the ground effects, but Biden proudly stood by and gave more bombs while watching daily how women and children are murdered with them and millions of people have their everything destroyed.

    So so far Trump did much more for Palestinian lifes than Biden. That is not a big achievement of Trump. It just shows that Biden indeed is genocide Joe, who chose every day to continue this, despite all it taking to end it being a phone call.

    Also as Biden delivered weapons while Israel was murdering US aid workers he directly violated US laws.