Account moved to owo

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Community Approval!

    Basically, an instance option that requires a new community to be approved by an admin when created, in the same way that a new user account would.

    As far as I’m aware, currently there is no notification that a new community has been created and unless people are watching the local community list regularly, it’s easy for them to slip by unnoticed. This allows scummy people to create a dodgy community, post a bunch of garbage to it and use it to attract more scummy people or start inter-instance drama.

  • This was posted before TheDude’s response, so it wasn’t clear whether this was something that had just slipped through the cracks or not.

    However, I agree his response is concerning… Perhaps it’s more due to inexperience than “malice”, but it’s still problematic…

  • To clarify, I agree that Beehaw should defederate with instances full of racist bigoted trolls.

    However, it’s hard to argue that works is one of those instances from just this. This is one guy who likely slipped under the radar. I’m just saying that we should just wait a bit to see how the situation unfolds before grabbing pitchforks.

    I’m just frustrated that not immediately jumping to an extreme response means I’m somehow complicit. And also somewhat frustrated that trying to distance myself from politics apparently means I’m acting privileged.

    I’m just tired of being angry all the time, at this point…

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    It affects me because I feel I need to keep up to date with which instances defederate with each other in order to follow communities. It feels like defederation is a cudgel that is thrown around a lot, and a lot of innocent people get hit in the crossfire.

    However, you are correct. A lot of my posts on Lemmy have, to be honest, been my attempts to fix something which can’t be fixed. It’s super not a healthy thing to be doing, honestly. I really should take a break from Lemmy, it’s done nothing but cause me stress and tire me.

    Edit: Bit of context for those late, my original comment was just a ramble about how I’m fed up of drama, etc. Nothing really that groundbreaking, tbh.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Of course I’m worried about politics! I’m worried about the return of fascism across the west. I’m worried about deteriorating attitudes towards LGBT people. I’m worried about active attempts to eugenics neurodivergent people. I’m worried about the massive amount of influence megacorps have on people. The world is full of things to worry about. It makes people feel helpless.

    I can ramble for ages about how I do what I can. Maybe I can do more. Maybe I’m a bad person for not doing enough? Maybe I’m a coward for wanting to hide from it, I don’t know. Wanting to have a space to step away from worrying about these things is a copying mechanism I use, and I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing.

  • Not sure where the settings actually live, so I can’t say whether this is backend or frontend, but I have been thinking that nsfw post handling could be improved.

    Specifically, I’ve been thinking about (and actually been considering implementing) some new per-user settings:

    • Don’t show nsfw posts from other instances in the “all” feed.
    • Don’t show nsfw posts in the “local” or “all” feed at all.
    • Always show nsfw posts from communities the user is subscribed to, regardless of the above two options.

    Should cut down on any drama caused by someone registering on a random instance and subbing to gfur. :P

    EDIT: Looking at the replies, it looks like a simple site wide toggle a-la Furaffinity might be easier to implement and more egonomic.

  • So, I don’t disagree with the decision to fork (especially because of the hardcoded donation URL). I am concerned about fracturing of the codebase, so I have a few questions:

    • Will this fork always be a sequence of commits based on some Lemmy version, or do you expect history to diverge (git rebase vs merge)?
    • Will there be an effort to upstream useful changes into Lemmy proper (a lot of the changes suggested are things that might be desirable for Lemmy in general).
    • There’s a number of other communities with a desire to use a forked Lemmy version, do you intend this fork to be useful for them, or is this purely for

    And perhaps most importantly:

    • Will the name be changed from Lemmy to something else if there are significant changes.

  • Hello, I’m the guy that made that post. I was wanting to just make a short post explaining things, but it turned into an essay it seems. So, uh, enjoy.

    Honestly, that edit was mostly just an emotional response. It’s… Just so much drama, tbh. I just want the whole “Lemmyverse” to prosper or whatever, but it feels like everything is fracturing and falling apart. I feel like I shouldn’t have to make multiple separate accounts on different servers (although that was the norm in the old forum days, and it might end up being a culture thing here).

    Feels like there’s going to be two separate “cliques” almost; those lucky enough to get into an invite/approval server, and those that couldn’t/didn’t. And each of those “cliques” will form their own communities and not really talk to each other. There’d be and or whatever, and they’d just never talk.

    Compounding this is that defederation is implemented really badly. Like, super badly. I don’t think anyone actually understands how it works and what implications it has for users. There’s no interface for when things you post get blackholed. I only found out about it when I posted a comment, went to the original instance and thought it weird that the comment wasn’t there.

    If defederation like this continues, especially without standardized blocklists, we’d get into a situation where people would send messages and then them not be received by the other end. Communities would fracture into local “forks” which are only visible to a single instance. Even worse, it would not even be clear that this is happening, or how it works.

    I do think @Crashdoom should have posted an announcement about defederating Especially since it is one of the “OG” instances that were spun up at the start of the migration. Ideally with the motivations behind it and why (which has similar issues) was not defederated.

    However, I want to make it clear that I don’t disagree with their decision. I can see open signups being a problem, and… Honestly the fact that a thread that the troll made is still there (even though the user is banned) doesn’t reflect well with how the admin’s polices mesh well with other instances. I sympathize that this situation… Honestly sucks for everyone involved. There are a lot of arseholes online. Thanks to all the mods that largely keep them away from us.

    The admin of made a thread about the defederation here as well, they seem pretty chill about wanting to work things out:

    Legitimately, I think all of this will cause people to leave Lemmy en-masse because it “doesn’t work”. Combined with the janky UI, federation being confusing in general, the political issues with and lemmygrad dot ml (which I’ve not seen any evidence that they’re owned by the same person, but eh), it doesn’t look good for Lemmy. I was optimistic that maybe it might have had the momentum to be a serious competitor to Reddit but honestly… I don’t think it’s production ready yet. Maybe next time Reddit does something unpopular, if it still exists, but I think this migration is ultimately doomed to fall to this drama.

    I get that Pawbs and Beehaw don’t want to be a “new Reddit”, and instead focus on high quality, heavily moderated communities (like /r/AskHistorians. Never used it, but from what I’ve heard it seems to be the vibe they are going for?), but I was hoping there’d be a world in which they could co-exist with the heavily focused communities which are being mass created on and friends.

    Regarding “limited” access… I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m not really sure how it would work? Mastodon is a mostly one-on-one situation. You follow and interact with one person at a time, whereas with Lemmy you interact with a number of people at once. There’s a number of technical issues that need answering here which I may go into in a follow up post, since I’ve rambled on enough already.

    I intend to use my beehaw account to continue interacting with pawbs; you can’t get away from me that easily!

    Edit: Does editing a post cause it to be resent?

  • While I hope Lemmy/Kbin takes off (heck, I’d love early internet forums to come back in style) and kicks off a second internet renaissance, the imminent collapse of Reddit legit is giving me anxiety. Hope y’all don’t mind if I vent a bit.

    Firstly, there are a lot of “niche” communities on Reddit, mostly dedicated to individual games and the like. The kind of thing where fanart, announcements and discussions happen. In the short term, I don’t see them surviving the collapse. And if they do, they’ll probably move to a not-great platform like Discord or whatever Facebook comes out with.

    Secondly, with SEO optimized AI generated garbage topping search results, Reddit has become an important reference when looking for reviews and opinions on things. As well as that, it has become somewhat of an archive of internet culture in a way. With subreddits moving to black out permanently and a push for users shredding their own data, there’s a very real chance that all of this content will be lost forever.