
HI, I’m a person whose not good at these kind of self descriptors. I like stuff and things, mainly just whatever has my interest in the moment.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • That fits well with when I was talked to my mom about this. She thought those other countries medical care system were the worst and that if we had anything like that, it would ruin our precious predatory debt gouging system. She thought we lived in one of the best countries on this planet when it’s like, no we don’t, we live in one of the most evil. It also kind of makes me sad she believed that we lived on the best country on the world because before she passed away this year, she had like so much medical debt and she was worried of going homeless. I dunno, it just really upsetting.

  • Sometimes it kind of of makes me feel really irritated in a way because like, a lot of these people who are so overly concerned over “tankies”, don’t have that energy directed at fascists or reactionaries? They seem more concerned over “tankies” than reactionaries or fascists who are in power in various places and are hurting people. Like they will make a post or whatever denouncing “tankies”, but where is that towards fascists? or reactionaries? If anything all they do is help fascists and reactionaries whether they are aware of that or not.

  • Che Guevara did a lot of good for people, like the people of Cuba. Considering he fought, and helped Cuba free itself from being a colony to the United States and against Batista. I didn’t know people fighting for the right to not be under colonial rule and have their own self determination is “extreme”.

    Also maybe go check out “On revolutionary medicine” by Che Guevara. I’ll also leave this quote from him.

    …the life of a single human being, is worth a million times more than all the property of the richest man on earth…