Absolut lächerlich anzunehmen, es gäbe Aliens die evolutionär bei der gleichen Skelettstruktur wie zweibeinige Landwirbeltiere gelandet wären.
Nicht wirklich. Ich will nun wirklich keine Ufologen verteidigen, aber schau mal nach konvergenter Evolution. Wenn die Bedingungen auf der Heimatwelt anderer Spezies ähnlich waren, sind auch ähnliche Entwicklungen nicht ganz abwegig.
I’m not an egoist anarchist, but the other answer to your question is wrong and I don’t want it to be standing there without correction. Egoism in an anarchist context goes back to “The Ego and His own” by Max Stirner, a German philosopher. He was not an anarchist, but has been and is still very influential on the movement.
Here’s his works on the anarchist library: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/author/max-stirner
I haven’t read it myself yet, but read some short summaries. Afaik he wants everyone to acknowledge that we’re basically working in our own self-interest all of the time BUT that this requires cooperation and that helping others without immediate material benefit can be part of our self-interest, e.g. because it makes us feel good or because it builds relationships that might be beneficial later.