Took me a second to put these pieces together.
Took me a second to put these pieces together.
Reading comprehension is not a strong suit, I see.
Only assholes assume that everything they enjoy in life they earned alone and that they don’t benefit whatsoever from the labor or others.
Depends on the type of filament used and temperatures that are actually present at the knob. I would say no since the temperature required to melt (or warp) the knob would have to be high enough to cause some pretty severe burns if you touched it with your hand. if the knobs on the oven/range are getting that hot, there is a lot more to worry about here than the knob melting.
Now THAT is a life hack.
I mean that just seems like the best version of heaven.
Appreciate it! You’re the hero we needed.
New Orleans is an incredible place full of incredible people. Try directing your justified anger at the villains.
The original question came up over snorting drugs through a rolled up C note but would also likely encompass shooting heroin or smoking meth/crack. But the consensus appears to be not to ask for an NSFW tag at this time. So that will be our stance unless you guys decide things are going too far and you want the tag included on posts with that sort of content.
It definitely is for those things, but in general it’s meant to encompass things that would cause problems if a coworker or manager looked over your shoulder. Graphic depictions of illegal drug use is borderline which is why I wanted to ask the community how they felt about it.
Politics aren’t allowed in !memes. We do try to catch it when a political meme is posted.
I appreciate the many voices here. It seems like consensus is that the tag is not needed as a general rule. I want to be clear, also, that the NSFW tag is not censorship, but also doesn’t seem necessary either. Thank you guys for chiming in!
They didn’t delete it, it was caught by the mods very quickly.
I know several women this would work on.
3 cat buttholes. I love it.
Self deletions don’t appear in the mod log. Only moderator actions. That’s why it’s called the mod log.