• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Endless Sky. The save game is a text file. Save a file on the mobile app (F-Droid), and on the PC (Flatpak), and note the last line. This is the line you must swap to transfer the save file. It is the first game I have played on both practically. The game mechanics are different between the two and you need to alter your strategy accordingly. On mobile, I travel with a ship setup for boarding pirate vessels and never target enemies directly; all of my guns are automatic turrets. I just use a fast ship and travel with a large group of fighters. It is more of a grind on mobile, but it can be used to build up resources and reserves. The game is much bigger than it first appears to be. You need to either check out a guide or explore very deep into the obscure pockets of the map.

  • I loved Dread and Prime 2. I tried playing Super Metroid on switch, but the controls are just too poor to pull off the advanced combination moves with the slow low quality emulation. I’m disappointed that there are not a dozen Metroid titles on the switch. Everything in the Prime series should be ported.

    I’m mostly referring to the long hiatus(es) before Dread, and all of the nonsense from developers other than Retro Studio. I understand they were probably in a funky position when it came to writing and coding for a new 3D engine after all of the Prime series had played out the life of the prior engine. IMO, the entire SDK for Nintendo hardware should account for key franchise titles like Metroid. These games should have story boards and plans from first light of new hardware. The plans should always include classic titles too. My biggest complaint about Nintendo is the low quality of most titles on the platform. They are too focused on recruiting developers instead of quality games. Sure there are some great games like BotW, TotK, and Dread, but I’m not going sifting through all the junk in their store to try and find anything else worth playing. I got a couple of titles that a lot of people recommended, and hated them with no recourse and they cost as much as good games. I would have paid for and played all of the Prime series if it had been ported, but Nintendo totally fails at maintaining their legacy titles effectively. It is this lack of availability now, and the stupid fumble of letting extra developers with their own forked vision into the franchise that I am calling a fumbled opportunity.

  • Yeah but MG is WAY older @ 1987 vs GoW in 2005 and ES in 1994.

    Metal Gear Solid was one of the best games on the original PlayStation. I haven’t been into consoles since the PS2. Metal Gear Solid was so good compared to anything else at the time, the idea it is only at 60M now, seems like a major fumble and lack of management. I guess it is like Metroid for being underdeveloped or given to idiots “with a new vision” like in the case of Metroid.

  • Oobabooga is the main GUI used to interact with models.


    FYI, you need to find checkpoint models. In the available chat models space, naming can be ambiguous for a few reasons I’m not going to ramble about here. The main source of models is Hugging Face. Start with this model (or get the censored version):


    First, let’s break down the title.

    • This is a model based in Meta’s Llama2.
    • This is not “FOSS” in the GPL/MIT type of context. This model has a license that is quite broad in scope with the key point stipulating it can not be used commercially for apps that have more than 700 million users.
    • Next, it was quantized by a popular user going by “The Bloke.” I have no idea who this is IRL but I imagine this is a pseudonym or corporate alias given how much content is uploaded by this account on HF.
    • This model is based on a 7 Billion parameter dataset, and is fine tuned for chat applications.
    • This is uncensored meaning it will respond to most inputs as best it can. It can get NSFW, or talk about almost anything. In practice there are still some minor biases that are likely just over arching morality inherent to the datasets used, or it might be coded somewhere obscure.
    • Last part of the title is that this is a GGML model. This means it can run on CPU or GPU or a split between the two.

    As for options on the landing page or “model card”

    • you need to get one of the older style models that have “q(numb)” as the quantization type. Do not get the ones that say “qK” as these won’t work with the llama.cpp file you will get with Oobabooga.
    • look at the guide at the bottom of the model card where it tells you how much ram you need for each quantization type. If you have a Nvidia GPU with the CUDA API, enabling GPU layers makes the model run faster, and with quite a bit less system memory from what is stated on the model card.

    The 7B models are about like having a conversation with your average teenager. Asking technical questions yielded around 50% accuracy in my experience. A 13B model got around 80% accuracy. The 30B WizardLM is around 90-95%. I’m still working on trying to get a 70B running on my computer. A lot of the larger models require compiling tools from source. They won’t work directly with Oobabooga.

  • It’s no freaking mystery anywhere. Kids are too damn expensive because just living is too damn expensive. The real fix is massive land reform that absolutely murders the real estate bubble with a nuclear bomb. Regulate the availability of funds directly to the minimum wage. You work, you live a decent life with a good balance. Build dense housing with tight local communities and perfect transportation so we’re always in contact with people in our communities. Babies will be popping up like weeds.

    An article about one of the poorest European countries is not really relevant. They don’t have the same zoning stagnation nonsense that makes housing unaffordable. The stupid incentives that exploded home loan amounts combined with 100 years without zoning reforms are the problem.

  • Have you seen the great gatspy with Wizard too? That’s what always comes up when mine goes too far. I’m working on compiling llama.cpp from source today. I think that’s all I need to be able to use some of the other models like Llama2-70B derivatives.

    The code for llama.cpp is only an 850 line python file (not exactly sure how python=CPP yet but YOLO I guess, I just started reading the code from a phone last night). This file is where all of the prompt magic happens. I think all of the easy checkpoint model stuff that works in Oobabooga uses python-llama-cpp from pip. That hasn’t had any github repo updates in 3 months, so it doesn’t work with a lot of newer and larger models. I’m not super proficient with Python. It is one of the things I had hoped to use AI to help me learn better, but I can read and usually modify someone else’s code to some extent. It looks like a lot of the functionality (likely) built into the more complex chat systems like Tavern AI are just mixing the chat, notebook, and instruct prompt techniques into one ‘context injection’ (-if that term makes any sense).

    The most information I have seen someone work with independently offline was using langchain with a 300 page book. So I know at least that much is possible. I have also come across a few examples of people using langchain with up to 3 PDF files at the same time. There is also the MPT model with up to 32k context tokens but it looks like it needs server machine ram in the hundreds of GB to function.

    I’m having trouble with distrobox/conda/nvidia on Fedora Workstation. I think I may start over with Nix soon, or I am going to need to look into proxmox, virtualization or go back to an immutable base to ensure I can fall back effectively. I simply can’t track down where some dependencies are getting stashed and I only have 6 distrobox containers so far. I’m only barely knowledgeable enough in Linux to manage something like this well enough for it to function. - suggestions welcome

  • WizardLM 30B at 4 bits with the GGML version on Oobabooga runs almost as fast as Llama2 7B on just the GPU. I set it up with 10 threads on the CPU and ~20 layers on the GPU. That leaves plenty of room for a 4096 context with a batch size of 2048. I can even run a 2GB Stable Diffusion model at the same time with my 3080’s 16GBV.

    Have you tried any of the larger models? I just ordered 64GB of ram. I also got kobold mostly working. I hope to use it to try Falcon 40. I really want to try a 70B model at 2-4 bit and see how its accuracy is.

  • Cookies are not needed. They are shifting the security onto the user. Secure the information on the server just like any other business. Offloading onto the client is wrong. It leads to ambiguity and abuses. Visiting a store and a business on the internet are no different. My presence gives no right to my person, searches, or tracking in the location or outside of it. Intentions are worthless. The only thing that matters is what is possible and practiced. Every loophole is exploited and should be mitigated. The data storage and coding practices must change.

  • Nah, it should be the default state of affairs. Data mining is stalking and theft. It centers around very poor logic and decisions.

    Things like browser cookies are criminal garbage. Storing anything on a user’s computer is stalking. Draw the parallel here; if you want to shop in any local store, I want you to first tell me everything you are wearing and carrying in a way that I can tell every possible detail about it, tell where you came from before you visited this store, where you are going next. They also want to know everything you looked at, how you react to changes in items presented to you and changes in prices. They want enough information to connect you across stores based on your mode of transportation, and have enough data to connect your habits over the last two decades.

    Your digital existence should not be subject to slavery either. Ownership over ourselves is a vital aspect of freedom. Privacy is about ownership and dominion. If you dislike all the digital rights management and subscription services nonsense, these exist now as a direct result of people neglecting ownership. In the big picture, this path leads all of humanity back into another age of feudalism. The only difference between a serf and a citizen is ownership over property and tools. Everything happening right now is a battle over a new age of slavery. “You will own nothing and you will be happy about it.” Eventually this turns into 'Your grandchildren will own nothing and say nothing or they will be dead about it." What you do about your privacy now will be a very big deal from the perspective of future generations.

  • Hey there Lionir. Thanks for the post. Can the Beehaw team please look into copying or getting the creator of this bot to work here? https://lemmy.world/u/PipedLinkBot@feddit.rocks

    I think the person that created that bot is somehow connected to the piped.video project. I know the whole privacy consciousness thing isn’t for everyone, but this bot’s posts are quite popular elsewhere on Lemmy.

    FYI, the main reason to use piped.video links is that it is setup as an alternative front end for YT that automatically routes all users through a bunch of VPNs to help mitigate Alphabet’s privacy abuses and manipulation.

  • It actually took me getting so sick from eating bad that stuff like fast food has become repulsive. I managed to keep the repulsion as a kind of mental block. I spent almost 2 years riding 300-400 miles a week. When you need ~4k+ calories just to break even every day, the quality of those calories starts to matter quite a lot. Anything low quality that tends to sit in the gut for too long will cause major issues long term. Like I could feel eating anything from Macdonald’s for 2-3 days. I don’t know how they are so bad but even a salad was bad news. The one that made me say never again was their frozen coffee drink thing. Even that cost me days of misery. My most fundamental food rule is to only eat stuff that looks like it grows.

    Dairy seems far harder than it is in practice. If nothing else, try seeking out vegan deserts. They really can be just as good and in many cases better. They usually have much better quality ingredients and you’ll feel better for the subsequent day or two after, especially if you tend to have something sweat in the evening.

  • I discovered that just getting off of dairy made a massive difference in how I feel daily. It takes a few days after stopping dairy consumption for the difference to become noticeable, then a few weeks to a couple months before it makes major changes. The effects are probably difficult for most people to detect, unless they eat dairy and notice the effects directly after.

    I am partially disabled from a barely-survived hit by a couple of cars while riding a bicycle to work. Unfortunately, I don’t have a single major physical failure point but instead a whole lot of scar tissue and vertebral bone damage. I’ve tried painkillers for years in the past without much effect, and this seems to have contributed to how I process dairy. However, my reason for mentioning it is that I am particularly sensitive to inflammation. Getting off of dairy completely made as much if not more of a difference for me than painkillers. Looking back at what I considered minor stomach issues and minor daily ups and downs of life before I was disabled, the low spots were likely impacted by dairy to a large extent.

    The easiest way to get off of dairy is to realize the majority of the world population does not consume dairy. Therefore, it is quite easy to find good foods to try if you start exploring foreign foods. I started with Chinese food, and still cook fried rice weekly.

    I am relatively young, still in my 30’s and I was an amateur bike racer before the last crash. I still ride nearly daily. The majority of damage to my back is thoracic, (between the shoulder blades and up), and I can setup a bike to keep that part of my back neutral. I just can’t turn my head to see over my shoulder…or hold standing, or sitting upright posture for more than 1 hour.

    While I’m not the ideal end goal in my situation now. I managed to ride from 350lbs in 2009, to 190lbs by 2013. Commuting hardcore helped for sure, and lead to a lot of other healthy activities. That started because I was broke after a failed business and ditching a car saves a ton of money. The real secret to losing weight though is not exercise. All you need to do is negotiate with yourself to make better choices over time, and eat far more often, but far less at any point in time. In fact, I have trouble getting my weight under around 220lbs. The way I managed to do it in 2013 was to reduce my exercise regime and spend longer stretches with rigid consistency. In other words I stopped doing super long rides that caused my calorie requirements to fluctuate substantially.

    The real trick to negotiating food with yourself is to assess your habits and try to either reduce consumption or make a shift to a healthier alternative. Maybe you eat oreos on the daily. How many. Can you work on one less every time. Okay, you’re down to your last two beloved oreos but only barely half satisfied. What if you traded you 2 oreos for 5 fig Newton’s in your routine… What if you traded an apple for those 2 fig Newton’s. Be a good negotiator on both sides. You are already, likely, subconsciously engaged in this internal debate. Consciously addressing and influencing the debate is the real key. No one gains the weight over night, and no one can lose it over night either. Weight is a matter of millions of choices over time and the only factor is a feather weight on the scale. Punishing yourself only instigates an internal rebellion. That negativity is useless. This is all a diet is; punishment and shaming. It is ineffective for many people. No one becomes a pro at anything just because they make a first attempt. Healthy eating is a skill too. It takes time. Expecting to flip a switch with a diet is dumb. In the real world, circumstances dictate appropriate behavior. Going to a party or wedding concerned about some arbitrary diet is idiotic. Considering your commitment to health as a failure because of one bad day or meal is equally dumb. The trick to losing weight is shifting a feather on a scale. It is an internal conscience philosophical commitment that only involves back burner awareness and minor adjustments. Do whatever you like with this info. It upsets some people when I have shared my musings on diets. I will say, I don’t count calories, I am 220lbs at 6’1" now and I have spent ~80% of every day laying in a bed since 2/26/2014. In my opinion, my experience of coming from being very overweight, losing so much, and keeping it off even under a worst case scenario should mean something.

    Sorry if length offends. Hopefully it is interesting.

  • The first fix is to regain control of the rhetoric amongst ourselves. We need a mass movement to dominate the entire sociopolitical conversation. The real power is in the human tendency to gravitate to the same topics and towards the sensational/controversial. We need to outright reject all of the inflammatory nonsense by going meta every time. Never talk about the subjects themselves. Make every conversation about the underlying manipulation and distraction. People like the blood emerald African space Karen can not be allowed to dominate the social sphere. The entire world culture average atmosphere must pushed back. Right now, we are being lead about in chains visiting a prescribed list of dog piles to shove our noses in. The dog shit is not the problem; it’s the person holding the chains. Every morning we choose who gets to hold the chains. We like our noses shoved in dog shit so much we run back to it every day without realizing we are giving the chains to the problem person every time.

  • We really need to crush the parasitic billionaire problem that funds the right and leverages convenient idiots of the world by stoking their prejudice and hate. There will always be some innocent whipping boy to toss in a camp. Pitchfork politics is never about the victims it is about controlling the conversation and distraction. Like in the USA, the only reason for the stupidity is to prevent closing the loopholes that enable the corrupt oligarchy. No one can investigate and make reasonable laws when they are confronted by a constant barrage of absurd nonsense. It just needs to be so inflammatory that no one can dominate the conversation with the message I’m posting now to regain any sense of rational control. The USA has 10% of the laws and protections of any other western nation. This is why the parasites exist, what they are funding, and what is being exported world wide. Russia proved that power is all about leveraging the convenient idiots. Australia and Japan have solved this issue already. Anyone with tens of billions of dollars is a worthless subhuman criminal.