• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I didn’t say I don’t consider roads as critical infrastucture, I specifically said “mega roads”, i.e new multi lane motorways that are a waste of money because they will encourage more driving, more sprawl and make traffic even worse in the long run (and I imagine local roads will deteriorate as they did the last time this happened).

    Three waters, the ferries, state housing, public transport are all better options right now that are woefully underfunded and in fact actively sabotaged by this govt.

    The “we don’t have the density” argument is often pulled out against funding public transport and it’s unfounded. We’re one of the most urbanised countries in the world. We could absolutely build more PT if we chose to, we’ve had far more extensive networks in the past than what we currently do.

    Overall, saying what’s happening is a symptom is just an attempt to claim what’s happening right now is inevitable imo. Different choices can be made that would be far less damaging, they’d be positive even and actually address the underlying problems you highlight instead of this “better things aren’t possible” fatalism.

  • It’s finally arrived, I’m really liking it so far. Consistent torque, nice stuff like auto cruise control, very quiet. I haven’t got much into the recharging habit so far to compare that with my old ICE car but it seems good - my brain is still acutely aware of the range estimate going down as I drive but I’m sure thatll go away.

    It’s a bit of an adjustment having all sorts of menus and beeps and cameras - it’s all a bit sensory overload driving at the moment. My old car was about 15 years old so had none of that haha. Probably more a new car thing than an EV thing

  • They have said they will build state houses, but they haven’t elaborated on how much and what level of funding they’ll allocate to do it.

    All their housing policy seems to mention is cutting the Kainga Ora land acquisition fund to help pay for their ‘build for growth’ policy (I. E. Giving councils funding for new houses to incentives them to be more accommodating to new housing, not a bad idea in of itself on the face of it tbh)

    National produced negative state houses last time they were in government and presided over the massive sell off in the 90s. I do not trust their words over their track record on this.

    Incidentally, when googling their housing policy to check this, I got this which isn’t related but made me lol.

  • I don’t think it’s surprising, but good research to have backing this up nonetheless. Pretty much every problem in this country can be traced back to the lack of affordable and stable housing. It makes complete sense to me that a state house with security of tenure comes out better than a private rental you know you have for a year at most (and likely less if no cause evictions come back).

    Incidentally, the authors of this study have done a lot of research into housing quality too. They found that providing insulation grants for our notoriously cold and damp houses generated savings many times the cost due to less pressure on the health system and fewer sick days from school and work.