Trying my best and Hoping we all make it o7

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Absolute@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlAlready Free
    2 months ago

    I’m far from an expert on the topic but I think this write up from the r/sino sidebar is a good starting point:

    There is a lot of literature referenced in the write up that I’m sure would provide a more in depth understanding but I think it does a good job of providing a gist of things and also some of the historical context of the Tibet-China relationship. Another commenter pinguinu has also pointed out that the liberation of Tibet was a gradual process with many challenges, which I think is important to consider. This quote (which I got from the sino article) outlines both that and also the framework with which the CPC has approached these types of challenges well I think:

    “As yet, we don’t have a material base for fully implementing the Agreement, nor do we have a base for this purpose in terms of support among the masses or in the upper stratum. To force its implementation will do more harm than good. Since they are unwilling to put the agreement into effect, well then we can leave it for the time being and wait. …” [Mao Tse-Tung, from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung, Volume 5]

  • I guess mostly just from searching for solutions to problems in the world. I grew up in an poor urban area and am extremely working class so I’ve seen a lot of suffering. I feel like I’ve also always been inclined to think of things in a dialectical manner even before I knew what that was, so Marxism-Leninism just naturally made the most sense to explain things.

    I’d also specifically highlight the NATO invasion of Libya as rocking my world view, as it quickly became so incredibly obvious what the true nature of the “intervention” was and anyone paying attention would have to be blind not to have seen the contradictions as they unfolded.

  • It really depends, but definitely my ability to enjoy a lot of media/entertainment has declined in the past 4-5 years. I mainly watch sports for entertainment, specifically football/soccer, and for me that is something I am still able to approach mostly with sheer cognitive dissonance. I can still get excited about my club spending £100m on a player despite the obvious ridiculousness of that.

    All of the discussion lately over Saudi Arabia and the general eurocentrism of supporters especially the self righteous sort on r/soccer is incredibly annoying, but fortunately it’s easy enough to avoid that.

    I definitely still enjoy movies as well for the most part, but I typically go see horror or comedy or whatever and not serious dramas or movies dripping with propaganda so it is easier.

    One major thing I used to love and simply cannot appreciate at all anymore is the musical Hamilton. Such a fun well constructed musical but sheesh the content is chauvinistic and liberal.