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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I should have worded it better - violence is the easy way. Easy is tempting. It’s harder to debate with people. Inherently better, no doubt! It’s a pattern in history that the number of people in power being corrupted by it is not low. Admittedly, not unfathomable high either, but it happens.

    Last, sanity can slip in extreme situations and this, hopefully fictional, scenario is extreme in my book

  • brewbart@feddit.detoEurope@feddit.deFuck Facists, never again
    6 months ago

    I understand your longing for immediate action and I share the emotional need to cut off the snake’s head sooner than later. Those who break the social contract of tolerance for each other should not be protected by it. Unfortunately it is a matter of fact that violence will always spiral out of control. First you just want to get rid of the fascists. Assume you succeed and don’t get reprimanded by law. Then you know how to get rid of someone and can act on it. What stops you to get to your rivals that want to strip you from your new found power? Chances are real you drift off into dictator mannerisms yourself.

    The only way to not become what you try to eliminate is not to use excessive violence to begin with. Use the law. Use intimidating mass demonstrations. Use social pressure by making their views unspeakable again. Be better, stand for your values, organize with like minded folk and don’t play into the stereotype of left groups always splittering into incapable small groups that cannot cooperate and coordinate

  • Temporary note in terms of auto delete after a time? Although the manual Zettelkasten workflow intends you to delete your temporary notes by hand, it is pretty easy to automate this in Obsidian. Personally I have some actions for meeting minutes and notes on people to be moved to designated folders, but the same principle could be applied to create an action to delete any note older than X days

  • Kommt stark aufs Tierheim an. Manche Tierheime haben so hohe Auflagen an das neue Zuhause, dass du es in der Stadt formal gar nicht bieten kannst, wenn du nicht stinkreich bist und Grundstück besitzt. Dazu kommt das Lottospiel bei Tierheimhunden das vorallem unerfahrenen Besitzern Angst bereiten kann.

    Wir haben damals inklusive der extra Ausstattung und den ersten Anschaffungen auch ca 2k bezahlt. Das war aber ein Welpe von unserer Wunschrasse und unserem Wunschzüchter. Eine solche Wahlfreiheit auf Allgemeinkosten nicht gewähren zu wollen kann ich verstehen. Ich würde es Arbeitslosen aber schon gönnen, einen Tierkameraden zu haben. Gibt dem Leben eine Richtung, wenn man sich um ein anderes Wesen kümmert. Das wieder kann die Motivation steigern in ein geregeltes Arbeitsverhältnis zu kommen / sich weiter zu bilden.

  • I wanted to say it is very hard to compete with people who’ve been learning a fundamental part of a job their whole upbringing when you had other struggles to face (idk, low-income jobs, rent, etc)

    From a skill set perspective, you’d like to have colleagues with the same fundamentals. Is it fair? No. Should it be that way? Also now IMHO. But to get the one thing, you’d have to change other aspects of the whole system. And history has shown that ‘the ruling class’ gas no interest in that - why make more competitors ?

  • The thing is, he’s kinda right. If you grow up rich there is a high chance you’re exposed to how to work in politics. If your parent became rich due to their own work, they have to be a CEO or someone very high on the ladder. These positions are thought-work and mostly politics in it self. And this shapes what you teach your children. Politics needs a certain base stance to survive in the long term and having to learn this stance might take a while. Although I wouldn’t assume that is a lack of talent but a different focus in the former live of the candidate.