• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • one side wants to quit NATO

    Lmao you really believed Trump wants to do that? It’s just rhetoric to buddy up with Russia against China like how the US allied with China against the USSR.

    I believe personally it’s him playing the part of tough dealing CEO man (one of his personas and his most popular one TBH) and doing this with the explicit intent of forcing European countries to meet or exceed their NATO funding commitments which they’ve always gotten a free ride on and that upsets him. It doesn’t upset the CIA because they know for instance that the reason they get a free ride is because NATO makes them vassals, NATO means they can be pulled into our wars at our whims and that generates more value for us than making them pay the full share but Trump doesn’t understand that, that’s too complex for him in terms of reasoning. He thinks you can have your cake and eat it too.

    He makes this threat, gets into office, makes it again, says if they want protection they have to pay. From a business-minded man it makes perfect sense. If you don’t pay taxes for the fire department they stand by and watch your house burn down, if you don’t pay insurance premiums they don’t pay out for your treatment when you get cancer. It’s all perfectly logical to him and he sees these countries as non-paying riders.

  • because westerners don’t know the language or care enough to check the policies

    Maybe your common internet commentator does not check. But the western intelligence agencies check. They want someone like him in power in Russia over Putin. For 1) they’d own him, clearly they’ve done a lot for him and he would likely work with them, for 2) because he is a Nazi and ethnonationalist he would do for them what they’ve long sought to do which is break up Russia into smaller manageable ethnic chunks they can color revolution and control, his policies would drive and allow their intelligence agencies to further instigate into independence movements or at least long-burning terrorism that bogs down the state these tensions he’d create with the many ethnic groups in Russia. He’s perfect for their aims. His views perfect.

  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlChina bad
    10 months ago

    The national security threat is purely hyped up because western companies spy on you for western intelligence and allow western intelligence manipulation of the feed of someone in the US or Finland but also importantly allow spying on and manipulation by psyops of someone in Vietnam, in Cuba, in Russia, in China, in Africa. Chinese companies will not do that. They will not give them global back-doors. They will cooperate to the extent required within the US or other NATO nations on spying on their users or manipulation as required by law but they will not allow global manipulation and dominance which is what this and the freak-out about Chinese 5G is all about. It’s about making sure western intelligence controlled software, platforms, hardware is the global standard to compromise everyone everywhere, not about keeping the west secure from spying or influence.

  • Projection.

    What were the Minsk accords I wonder and why were they lies. How many times did Russia try and present an off-ramp to the situation?

    What about the murder of civilians and oppression of those of Russian descent in the east of the country by these Nazi paramilitaries who the sitting president himself once personally went to ask to stand down (they didn’t)?

    They haven’t taken any amount of gas or oil according to anything I’ve seen. In fact they’ve lost sales over this after the US blew up in an act of aggression and violation of international law the Nord Stream gas pipeline which was also German property.

    That’s projection again on your part. The US actually is stealing Syrian oil. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1275233.shtml

    Russia did not want this war. They tried hard to avoid it but your sanctions will never break them. They were supposed to run out of ammo after all within the first six months, then the same was said after 12 months, only now does the west admit they’ll never run out and that Russian production far outstrips the combined production capabilities of the US.

    If they wanted to seize the country whole they wouldn’t have stopped for peace talks with their troops outside Kiev. They wouldn’t have pushed hard, they wouldn’t have bothered to show up and the US wouldn’t have had to send their stooge Boris Johnson there to torpedo those talks so they can continue to use the Ukrainian people as fodder to bleed Russia in an ill conceived and now we know doomed to fail attempt at weakening and isolating them.

    Russia may be forced to take the whole country to stop the fanatical Nazi regime there that refuses to be reasonable (many of us suspect Zelenskyy’s life would be forfeit if he did surrender or attempted to negotiate) but that was not their intention or choice. They have stated many times their wants are simple and that is removal of the Nazis, demilitarization so Ukraine can’t be used against them (that was the whole point of the Minsk lies by the way according to Angela Merkel, giving the Ukrainians time to build up powerful forces to fight Russia), and Ukraine not being part of the offensive, explicitly anti-Russian terrorist organization known as NATO.

  • Da, I mean, oh no how did you find out!?!

    Please delete this. Yogthos has a family to support. If Putin finds out they’ve been discovered they’ll be fired from their posting job and their children will starve. Have a heart, come on.


    Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya would like a word.

    Also they’re literally still occupying Cuba in Guantanamo Bay under an illegal, coerced agreement with the Batista regime for a trivial couch money rent which since the Castro revolution has been rejected and demanded to be returned. They need to leave Cuba and stop using it to extrajudicially torture people.

    Yes, a country can have nazis.

    Careful you’re near paraphrasing a Putin speech where he said yes many countries have Nazis, but only Ukraine integrates them into their regular army, venerates Nazi war criminals as national heroes, teaches revisionist education that downplays such crimes, has regular units full of people wearing Nazi symbols, tears down monuments to those who defeated Nazism, etc.

    The US refused to honor its word not to encroach NATO up to Russia. Refused to allow Russia into NATO. Refused to stop expanding east and has shown again and again that NATO is an offensive alliance as if its founding including many literal third reich members wasn’t a clue that it was kind of problematic.

  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlThis time for sure
    1 year ago

    Wtf are you on about? I see a lot of bizarre takes from your instance but it’s documented, admitted fact that the US and UK have sent depleted uranium shells to Ukraine. There was this whole thing about it.

    Literally search depleted uranium Ukraine and the first page is full of results.

    “Export controlled”. LMAO.

  • No. I’m too busy seething at the incredible low quality garbage Marvel/Disney and everyone else churns out to stop and be too angry about that. I just keep reminding myself the quality of art/culture will improve after the revolution and not before. Right now I must suffer the decay and pain of having garbage shoved in my face and having other people effusively tell me how great it is. Not even getting into the propaganda which is awful, on the merits, technical/story-telling etc level it’s just a wasteland out there and I weep. Lots of slop. Not that I don’t occasionally find a piece I guiltily enjoy.

    Though admittedly I kind of avoid the worst offenders. I mean I do enjoy older media and I guess I excuse it as it was just that way back then, they were just sexist, racist, homophobic etc (I cringe at the really in your face stuff but the casual pervasive things not so much). To me it’s all an academic exercise. I know what I’m watching is a reflection of a time and place and type of thinking. I think older stuff actually helps in that I can say it just was that way whereas if you shove some 2 year old Marvel movie stuffed full of end of history liberal nonsense that raises my hackles because hey, these people are around me and they’re annoying and smug and gah.

    I zero in on like subversive elements in older movies too and I think in a way modern movies are much less subversive in ways that matter, end of history and all that nonsense rotting people’s brains. Take just as an example Terminator 2, the main bad guy robot is a cop and he’s a cop for a reason and Cameron has stated that’s because cops see themselves as better than other humans, they’re apart from us, they use violence, etc so in what’s otherwise a mindless effects and explosion-fest you have these little nuggets to chew on. Truly dangerous to capital they’re not but at least they’re not full of the open militarism you see in films these days, worship for the US military, America-Fuck-Yeah stuff even if there are no military it’s American scientists or cops or researchers.

    Side-track but fucking fuck Arrival. Fuck the writers. Writing America as the country that has reasonable, rational researchers who discover the aliens don’t want war, meanwhile the irrational Chinese/Asians are so war-like and aggressive (just like in real life the writers want to nudge you, whereas America in real life they nudge you, is just like the protagonist) they get bent on a warpath with the aliens and act exactly as the US would act in actuality in trying to rally everyone to attack them.

    So I guess I could say I don’t feel guilty because I get annoyed if it’s too bad and then I just stop. As to guilt, it’s what I have. I speak English, I live in the west, the US is the primary media creator, only China remains and very little of their content gets even subtitles let alone a dub.

  • I mean considering the west’s history of assassinations, the fact you could modify a washing machine to dispense something absorbed through the skin which kills quickly or slowly, not entirely unreasonable for someone in his position though I really doubt there is a person whose job is to just sit across from his washing machine. More than likely he has a security person responsible for securing access to various things including washing machines to prevent well all kinds of attacks.