• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2023


  • I feel like those of us who have contributed should receive in return an adorable cat gif.

    Not like, to display or anything. Just something happy that bounces in our mailboxes after we contribute. Maybe the cat is wearing a hat! Or maybe the cat has gotten into a humorous predicament. Or maybe the cat is riding a dog. Or a human! The possibilities are endless, the joy boundless; and pragmatically speaking, it makes our monthly receipts for donation slide ride on through with less risk of begrudging it :D

    I am not a business cat and you should not take this as business advice

  • Sure did, I think it was part of a bunch of tests we had to do for the… Presidential Fitness Award or something?

    It was done in Elementary school, so Fall 87->Spring 93? I have no idea if they’re still doing any of that crap now though.

    I do remember it being the neatest dang thing because our school had like this entire wall of collapsible gym equipment that folded out like a playground with like 2 or 3 story monkeybars and gigantic poofy mats at the bottom, and you better believe some kids fell off.

    The more I think about it, the more I suspect they don’t let them do that anymore

  • My natural inclination is toward black gallows humor in situations like these, but I have to keep reminding myself that a lot of people are going to get harmed and laughing is an unacceptable faux pas.

    I also have to remind myself that “not knowing what to do with all these feels” may result in unhelpful reactions.

    Yet I still want to stand on DeSantis’ head and shout “what the hell did you damn well expect you fucking troglodyte”. Feelings are tricky.

  • correct, but now you’ve just identified two separate types of tearing, both happening at different times. put them together and the perceived frequency will be significantly worse than it was prior.

    being able to zero one of those out and only worry about the other means you can hopefully optimize a better solution - as much as one can when you can’t realistically atomically update the entire display from top to bottom.

  • Sure, that parent is failing that child. I’m not disputing that. It doesn’t matter whether the parent has an intent or capability to do right by their child, only whether they are. In the end, the child is being failed, and I don’t think for a second that the right call is to sit back and do nothing.

    But jailing the parent is simply not going to make it any fucking better. It’s like trying to fight a house fire with a flamethrower.

    It is simply and solely because of this incredibly poor lack of reasoning and judgement that I don’t have a positive opinion of her. If I had to say anything nice, I would say “she was able to identify a problem”, but her solution was so astoundingly and obviously counter-productive I’m not inclined to have even a neutral opinion of her, much less a positive one.

    (Edit: And where I say “her solution”, I mean the one she championed; I have no insight as to whether it was her brain-child or just something she threw her political muscle behind)

  • Nothing screams “my kid is going to turn away from truancy” like having a parent in prison.

    When your cure only hastens and reinforces the bad behavior, your cure is bad and you should feel bad.

    I would have no issue at all with child protective services being engaged, but sending an overworked single mother to jail isn’t helping anything, it’s just slaking bloodlust for punishment when people don’t do as you’d wish.

    If the goal is ensuring every child is equipped with an equal opportunity for education, then there are always better choices than hauling mom or dad off to jail. Can you seriously not see how patently absurd that is? It’s a boneheaded move from top to bottom and she should feel shame for the rest of her life for putting her political muscle behind it. Educating every last child is important, but this proposed solution only makes things worse.

    And that’s what the issue is. It’s not that there was intervention, it was this specific intervention is stunningly short sighted and entirely punitive.

  • Dude, exact same as when I found out I was ASD. I didn’t really know how important a label was until it explained so much and gave me a starting frame of reference to talk about with others.

    I think I knew this with my head and heart, but it was at this point when I knew it with my gut. It has, frankly, been exhilarating, and I hope it’s an accurate enough analogue for what my LGTBTQ+ family feel that I can better empathize with them.

    edit: sometimes words are hard. like at least 85% of the time.