• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Played druid preseason, sort of a trampleslide, enjoyed that very much, bear is tanky as hell and deals solid damage after a while.

    Running necro for S1, had high hopes and still experimenting to find most fun playstyle, tried a bit of blood, bone and now testing shadow + minions, that seems promising! Love how packs melt away.

    However, druid is clear so far, I guess I enjoy more ‘in your face’ style to necro’s magic wand and spell casting.

  • There was no US destabilising Ukraine, there was no coup, those are taken right from the Kremlin book of propaganda.

    There were civil society protests in Ukraine in 2014 to oppose government’s withdrawal from EU talks. Ukrainian government, then backed by Russia, used brutal force against civilians while Russia “secretly” and illegally annexed Crimea (as always with them, firstly not acknowledging anything, using so called little green men, russian soldiers without proper markings, who later got medals for it).

    At he same time, Russia invaded Donbas, again “secretly”, talking about “civil war”, but it was no civil war. The so called separatists were controlled by Moscow, supplied heavy weapons and even commanders by Moscow.

    Eight years later, they invaded massively and openly, bz make no mistake, Russia’s attempt to destroy and landgrab Ukraine lasts way longer than that.

  • 58 druid here as well, I love armor in this game so much. The pieces often fit together quite nicely by default and if not, you can easily transmog/recolor and get a really impresive look. That’s why I haven’t even checked the shop yet, what’s the need? Usually in RPG games, at the beginning you look like a hobo who found a full dumpster of clothes next to a circus, only with time you get cooler looking stuff. In D4 you start cool and only get cooler. I love all my furs, staffs, totems, gloves, everything looks so well.

  • I was in a similar boat as you during the spring sale - have a powerful desktop, was pondering getting the deck. Decided to go for it and to be brutally honest, it’s mostly a new shiny toy, not a revolution - which is absolutely fine enough.

    I am excited about it, enjoy using it very much (on a long train/bus ride, on couch/in bed), but I don’t use it every day, it hasn’t been some miraculous revelation. However, it built a new clear division for my library: on one hand smaller, less demanding games I now save exclusively for handheld experience (thanks to this I already tried some games I probably wouldn’t on PC, at least not in near future), on the other for big, graphically marvelous games still prefer a big screen.

    Also, if the desktop goes unexpectedly tits up some day, it’s nice to know I have an emergency solution in the form of the deck.