I love how farmers would preferred if they were murdered/butchered vs getting titty twisters 😂.
I love how farmers would preferred if they were murdered/butchered vs getting titty twisters 😂.
Yeah… Anyone interested in this should look up gerrymandering bounderies. :/ we fu’ked.
I hear they are very nutricious 🤔… Everything is so expensive now. So… Endless food source? Shittylpt?
Doesn’t matter. The fact that he was shown working at McDonald humanizes him…
The mentality is. He is capable enough to flip a burger. He is capable enough to be a president in the mind of trumpets…
I doubt anything good will come from any of this. We all need to join in together and vote against everything trumpers stand for.
Bet your lots of fun at parties , 😉.
53% of gamers are over 30. 😂 (This includes me almost 40 😭
Also I think more accurately to me I prefer games where single play can stand on its own. The game just happens to also have multiplayer features w/o half the game being locked out with micro transactions.
Residential printers typically can’t copy money.
Can’t something be built in where it does not allow printing a gun?..
Some people are just not built to digest fruits and vegetables.
It’s okay not everyone is strong enough.
That’s enough Lemmy for today
This is 2024. What valuables? 😂
What the burglar gonna do, take over my rent and loans? 😂
99% of phone calls is typically a capitalistic company forcing employees to sell us something.
So yes… I’m not gonna pick up. Leave a voicemail 👍
I agree. If she would have a badge and uniform they would have simply suspended her with pay. She would take a few weeks vacation and carry on with her life like nothing.
I’m being serious…
Fair enough. Basically what others have suggested in this thread. Flex time, lunch hours, swap shifts with a co-worker.
I’ve had the opportunity with an old job to work 4-days a week before and I wish this was the norm. 4x10 days should be the standard.
The shop workers.
They are there from 8am-6pm.
Everything closes at 5pm
They will never be able to go to anyone else’s shop.
(We forget about the people that work there have it worse than we do and they seem to figure it out just fine)
I think someone photoshopped his hand to be larger than normal.
Looks like this truck as not seen a day of work in its life. No… That’s not a compliment.
Just thinking out loud…
As a surrendered Russian soldier…
Would you want to be returned to your home country? Would you be safe from your military political leaders?
I’m trying hard to understand your point of view… It’s easy to be angry.
The problem I see is that the way you feel about the “peon” is probably the same way trump feels about him too. Trump feels everyone else as insignificant.
Unfortunately this means you and trump have very much in common.
Let that sink in…
Now… If that previous comment has not completely closed your mind…
Let’s try to be better humans together.
Help me understand what your definition of neglect is.