• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I think it’s a problem related to React Native. The package that I use for the markdown editing is a native iOS package, so I had to write a bridge for the package to be able to use it in my app.

    Avelon uses the same package for example, but there it works fine as far as I know. Avelon is however a completely native app, therefor I have the suspicion that the problem is related to the bridge that I wrote.

    I already tried to isolate the bridge, to see if any other code in my app is interfering but that didn’t seem to be the case. My plan is to write a dummy application somewhere this week, to see if the package does work out of the box in a native app to make sure that my suspicion is right.

    I’m not too familiar with native iOS development though, so that’s why it’s all taking a bit longer.

    It is however very helpful to hear that the prediction setting seemed to resolve it in your case. Bit by bit we’ll get closer to fix this 🤞

  • Great to hear this kind of feedback!

    I will look into the bugs you mentioned. Reading some of them I immediately already have a vague idea what could be the problem.

    The suggestions are also great. Most of these are indeed already on my radar. My first goal is to fix the last bugs and finally push the V1 to the App Store, since I achieved all the basic features that I had in mind for the V1. Once that’s setup I’ll continue working on adding new features :D

  • Great to hear! So far I find it very wholesome how the whole Lemmy community is doing its part to try and improve the platform 🥰

    A few hours ago I pushed an update to TestFlight which includes a few new features and a bunch of fixes (including the image clicking bug). Hopefully that’ll be approved soon by Apple so that it’s available for everyone to download :D

  • This helps a lot, thanks!

    Once you add the second account, are you then able to logout of the first one? The problem might be that Lemma needs at least 1 account to stay, so it indeed doesn’t allow you to logout of all the accounts. Once you add the second account, you should be able to logout of the other one. Can you confirm that this is indeed the problem that you’re having? In that case I’ll add a message that explains this when you try to logout of the last account (:

    As for clicking the media of a post, you’re explanation is actually very helpful. I think I might’ve accidentally broken the compact posts, because it should open the media. I just checked and this doesn’t seem to work anymore in compact posts. Can you switch to large posts, to confirm that those work as you expect?

    Again thanks for writing such detailed explanations! (: